What are the Effects of Acid Rain on Plant Growth?

Effects of Acid Rain on Plant Growth

Before we tell you about the effects of acid rain on plants, let us understand

What is Acid Rain?

In short, it can be defined as the rainwater having pH less than 5.6. Acid rain is a fairly large term that describes the ways in which acid comes from the atmosphere. It can have harmful effects on plants, aquatic animals and infrastructure.

Acid Rain Causes and Effects

Acid rain is the result of chemical reactions that start when compounds like sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides are released into the air. They rise to a very high height into the atmosphere where they come in contact with water, oxygen and other chemicals and acidic pollutants. These acidic pollutants then fall down with rainwater and make it acid rain.

Acid rain has harmful effects on the ecosystem such as fish and wildlife & plant and tress. But acid rain doesn’t make harmful effects on home plants as they don’t come in the contact of acid rain. It affects materials too. When acid rain and dry acidic particles fall on earth, the nitric and sulfuric acid that makes the particles acidic can land on statues, buildings, and other human-made structures, and damage their surfaces.

Causes and Effects of Acid Rain

What are the effects of acid rain on plants?

Here are some harmful impact of acid rain on plants:

  • Acidic water alters the pH of the soil where your plants are growing.
  • Acidic water affects different types of plants in different ways.
  • Young rootless or small root plants are more likely to be affected severely.
  • Excess acid in soils can dissolve the soil substrate, leading to erosion.
  • Acid rain removes minerals and nutrients from the soil, which are essential for plant growth.
  • Drops of acid rains suck out the nutrients from the plant leaves.
  • Nutrient-fewer leaves become unable to absorb sufficient sunlight.
  • It also affects the photosynthesis process.
  • Leaves become weaker to counter freezing temperatures.
  • Mountain plants are more likely to face higher amounts of acid clouds and fog.
  • Acid rain seeps aluminium into the soil, which makes it hard for plants to collect water.
  • It dissolves nutrients like magnesium and calcium, which give plants the immunity to fight infections and insects.
  • Acid rain changes the composition of soil making it inhabitable for plants.
  • At worse, acidic water can make the plants dead.

Solution -

The only best solution is not to let the plants come in contact with acid rain which is nearly impossible. So, grow small plants under the shed of a big tree, in this way you will be able to lessen the effect of acid rain on small plants while the big tree can counter it due to the high volume of nutrients and foliage.

That’s all plant lovers!!

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