9 Father-Son Duo Custom Gift for Father's Day Celebration

The relationship of children with their parents is always a mixture of fun and hustle, honesty and mischief but amidst all this, there's also a stark contrast in the upbringing of mothers and fathers. While moms are no less than perfection, dads on the other hand are tutors of all kinds of mischief and show their children the road not taken. Whatever you will read here is secondary but your thought of finding a custom gift for father’s day remains primary.

From the day you were born your father has never pursued a conventional way of upbringing from how you played in the park to how you excelled in school. They are brave souls who let their children see the world with their brown lenses without worrying about any judgments. They are the shape changers of our life paths. And on occasions like fathers day, you can always thank him for everything he has done for you and will continue to. And you can begin with searching online fathers day gifts which mostly include a mix of flowers, cakes, drinks, snacks, clothing items etc. but this year you and we will find a few additional things that will make a simple celebration, a bonanza through a gift for father’s day. For instance, a fathers day flower delivery at his place right at midnight with some roses, and also chocolates and a little greeting card because you are surely not the best at it.

 custom father's day gifts

After all this, it's time to pull out the big guns. We have a list of custom fathers day gifts that will make you surrender and buy fancy, yet very cute and thoughtful presents.

1. Customised t-shirts

Customised t-shirts are usually matching pairs with similar colours and designs but often have a quirky sentence or picture that makes it individual for everyone.

 Customised t-shirts

You can get a t-shirt for your father with his picture on the front and "daddy" or "He gets his looks from me" written on the back of his t-shirt as a gift for father’s day. And you can get a similar one for yourself. The sentences on both should complement the conversation.

2. Dual facial set

You can book salon appointments at home and get beauty facials as a gift for father’s day. It could be cleansing, whitening or anything else your mom or your beautician advises. Play some music, click pictures, and eat snacks while you are at it. And make a day out of a spa and facial session.

3. Customised mugs

You can get mugs with similar pictures or complementing messages on them as fathers day gifts. It could be a son and father mug, a king and prince mug, in your favourite colours with quotes that inspire you.

 Customised mugs

It could be your everyday morning thing and an easy way to decide who gets the nicer cup too.

4. Twinning clothes

If not every day you can at least try to twin for a day. Get clothes like matching blazers or ripped jeans or even accessories that compliment you both. You could get something in similar colours or a fathers day special t-shirt that stays as a souvenir for the day forever. Perfect gift for father’s day from wardrobe category.

5. Customised caricature

Caricatures are becoming popular gifts lately and you can get one for your father too. Customised caricatures of you and your father can even be symbolic like a figure of a father who is scolding the son, or a son who is winking at his father. These can be kept at office tables, showcases or in a personal spot you like.

6. Customised stationery

If you and your father both are fond of stationery you should get matching items including ones, diaries, calendars that have similar messages, quotes, picture or colour palettes that you like. This way you can impress your father by striking similarities between you two through a gift for father’s day.

7. Spectacle holders

If you are both working professionals who have fancy spectacles and work at big tables you know you need spectacle holders too to keep them safe and look tidy at the same time.

 Spectacle holders

You can get ones with moustaches and poky noses or any other ones you like.

8. Customised watches

Customised watches are good options for fathers day gifts, they are luxurious, classy and show significant concern and effort. You can wear them together at parties or in your daily lives knowing that a piece of your loving father is with you.

9. Customised dog tags

Your father has to be cool to pull off this gift. A dog tag can be quite a rowdy gift choice but equally fun and quirky. You can get messages written on them with simple names that distinguish the two. And you can wear them wherever you like, flaunting the incomfatparable look.

Wishing Happy Birthday to one, who has inspired a billion people.

Also Read:- Top Father’s Day Gift Ideas in 2022

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