Memorable Childhood Pranks to Remember on Rakhi

Spending your time scrolling through Instagram feeds, stories and posting snaps? Well, that’s the current day scenario but back then in the 90s, there was no internet, no smartphones, no laptops, and no Netflix!!! Yet, that time is still one of the most beautiful and golden phases of life with amazing memories. Well, who was the one that is a major part of these childhood memories? Your brother or sister! Your siblings were the ones who were always there for you to help you in completing your homework or to help you in finishing the lunch leftovers or to protect you from parent’s scolding. In all those years, surely there were a lot of smiles, cries, and pranks xD. Yes! Siblings play pranks on each other and even partner up to tease other children in school and society. So, on this Raksha Bandhan, let us shed light on some of the classic siblings pranks that most of you must have played in childhood.

Memorable Childhood Pranks to Remember on Rakhi

Empty Chocolate Wrappers

Hands up if you have ever tried this? Many of us used to do this daily with different friends and siblings. The recipe for this ultimate prank is very simple. Pick up chocolate wrappers and put some paper or sand or small stones inside it. Now neatly wrap it back and leave it in their bag. Now see that hope of a chocolate gets dusted to ground when they open the chocolate wrapper. A few children even without knowing what’s actually inside gave this chocolate to their crush and got slapped :p

Empty Chocolate Wrappers

You are Adopted

“Arre tujhe toh papa mummy wo paas waale ashram se utha ke laaye hai!” We have at least tried this once in our childhood for sure. When your sibling is worried about the parent’s biasness, we used to add more butter to the fire by throwing this classic line at them. They start believing it and even put up the question to the parents. That’s when you come up and say it’s a prank! If you haven’t tried it yet, then this one’s a classic. Call your sibling straight away and steal their sleep with this prank.

You are Adopted

The Fake Lizard Prank

Everyone was afraid of lizards in childhood and when we see one, we run away from this ugly creature. Well, siblings took advantage of this fear. They used to get a clone plastic lizard and put it inside the backpack of their brothers and sisters. When they ran away, the siblings threw the fake lizard at their back. This prank literally gave a mini heart attack to many.

The Fake Lizard Prank

Crazy Hair Prank

Many siblings have one of the best childhood memories because of this prank. The recipe for this prank was very simple. Bring some hairs from the local barber and when the sibling sleeps, put the hairs around their head. Once they wake up, the first thought that comes is someone cut their hairs while they were asleep or it is some sort of hair fall issue. Well, the prank sure as hell scared them. Most of us have been the victim of this prank as well.

Crazy Hair Prank

The Chewing Gum Prank

We all at some point in our childhood have tried this prank. As simple as it sounds, all we did was unwrap the chewing gum and then place it either on the chair or bench where your sibling will sit. Some used to paste the chewing gum on the hairs when the siblings were asleep. It is seriously one of the most hilarious pranks as they had no idea what happened to them and why all the other kids in the school or neighborhood are laughing at them.

Chewing Gum Prank

So, these were some pranks and childhood memories examples. Relish these fun-filled memories with your siblings on this Raksha Bandhan and laugh over sweet desserts on a special day. We hope you are all ready with gifts for Raksha Bandhan. If you haven’t yet purchased the rakhi gifts for brother/sister, then go get one online to surprise them.

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