Must Read Flower Facts That Will Astonish You To The Core

"Every flower about a house certifies to the refinement of somebody.
Every vine climbing and blossoming tells of love and joy."

- Robert G. Ingersoll

...And all this while we thought we knew all about flowers! Throughout its sowing, watering, nurturing and everything in between, we did it all what was the best for them. But, flowers are such a species which have more to them than just their scintillating appeal, medicinal benefits and natural aromatic scent. They have got a lot attached to them which comes under various interesting facts about flowers. While every different flower has got its own set of secrets or past, till date, people consider it to be one of the most priceless versatile gifts, that are gifted across various special days of one’s life. Some like to opt for garden-fresh blooms like lovely roses, orchids, carnations, gerberas and other exotic flowers from some online store that assures online flower delivery, while some choose to trust their local florist in this regard. These are a few astonishing flower facts that will surely blow your minds away from sunflower facts for kids to roses and much more! For each kind of flower, we have listed some amazing facts about flowers which are super interesting and will come handy to children as they get to learn more about facts about flowers for kids.

flower facts

Famous Rose Facts -

rose facts
  • These delicate beauties are originally wild as they come from several parts of the world, North America, Europe, northwest Africa and many parts of Asia and Oceania.
  • Over 100 different species of roses, while approximately 13,000 identifiable varieties of roses exist in this world.
  • Most of the rose varieties have five petals except for a species called ‘Rosa sericea‘ which has only four.
  • Around 5000 years ago, the first cultivation of roses likely began in Asia.
  • Rose is the most popular flower in the world.
  • Blue and black roses do not exist. A “black rose” is not actually black it is very dark red. And to make blue roses, it is necessary to borrow the delphinidin gene from another kind of flower and splice it into the genes of the rose.
  • Thousand-year Rose grows on a wall of the Hildesheim Cathedral, a Catholic cathedral in Hildesheim, Germany, that is dedicated to the Assumption of Mary. It is believed to be the oldest living rose in the world.
  • Queen Cleopatra used to cover the floor of her palace room with roses before Mark Antony visited her.

Famous Daffodil Facts -

daffodil facts
  • The term "daffodil" refers to the trumpet-shaped springtime blooms.
  • In England, people refer to these flowers as Lent Lilies.
  • When a bouquet of daffodils is gifted, it ensures happiness to the recipient.
  • Gifting a single daffodil brings bad luck, as per age-old tradition.
  • It is the national flower of Wales.
  • It is said that if one spots the first daffodil of the year in Wales, the year shall be filled with wealth.
  • There are at least 25 different daffodil species and up to 13,000 hybrids of this flower.
  • It is considered to be the official 10th-year anniversary flower.

Famous Orchid facts -

orchid facts
  • One of the oldest flowering species which is said to exist before the continents separated.
  • There are 25,000 species more orchids on the planet.
  • While the smallest orchid weighs a dime, the largest weighs several hundred pounds.
  • The vanilla plant is a kind of orchid variety.
  • It takes 5-7 years to grow an orchid. So the orchids at your nearest store are probably by now decades old.
  • As orchids are heavy flowers, so once orchids bloom to its fullest capacity, it turns upside down.
  • Orchids can live up to 100 years or more!

Famous Tulip facts -

tulip facts
  • It has got over 150 species of tulips with over 3,000 different varieties.
  • Flower buds of this flower are known to be almost perfectly symmetrical.
  • Tulips are a part of the lily family.
  • They bloom only 3-7 days in the spring season.
  • Tulips signify the arrival of springs.
  • Native to Central Asia but didn't really become popular until reaching the Netherlands.
  • At some point in time, it was considered to be the most expensive flower.

Fun facts about Sunflowers -

sunflower facts
  • Sunflowers are native to America.
  • These flowers were brought to Russia by royalty.
  • World’s tallest sunflower reaches 30 feet and 1 inch in height.
  • They are used as scrubbing pads.
  • Not all sunflowers are yellow. Rather some are red and purple even.
  • From Vincent Van Gogh, Diego Rivera, Alfred Gockel to Paul Gauguin used sunflower to create their masterpiece.
  • Sunflowers are related to Apollo, the Greek god of the sun.

Famous Hibiscus facts -

hibiscus facts
  • It is one of the edible flowers which are citrusy in taste.
  • In Mexico, dried hibiscus is considered to be a local delicacy.
  • The hibiscus extracts are used as a natural source of red food colouring.
  • It is one of the most popular diuretics.
  • Hibiscus is the national flower for South Korea, Malaysia and Haiti.
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