Sansevieria Plant Benefits

Greens make Mother Earth a much better and happier place. We are so dependent on plants and their benefits, that we possibly can’t imagine what it’s like to live without them. Every plant is special in its own way and has been blessed with exceptional innate properties. One such plant, that we are going to talk of is Sansevieria aka the Snake Plant. Sansevieria Trifasciata can be grown indoors as well as outdoors. It is native to Asia and Africa. Its uncanny, sword-like leaves are what has earned this plant Mother-in-law’s tongue name. Sansevieria plant benefits are endless; this plant species has got so much to offer. But it is even said if the leaves of this plant are eaten in large quantities it can turn out to be poisonous or may cause some serious swelling in the tongue. Having said that, let’s get straight right into what benefits has this plant species got to offer us.

Sansevieria Plant Benefits

1. Notches Up Your Home Decor -

No kidding, sansevieria plants will effortlessly add their charm to your home decor. They are so versatile that they can be placed anywhere, matching any colour of the wall in your home. You can place them over the tabletop to make them appear taller. You can even look for a fancy pot to complement its striking leaf detailing. When placed in a room, it is sure to grab some eyeballs.

Sansevieria Plant Benefits

2. Excellent Air Purifiers -

Sansevieria plants are known to release oxygen at night hence they will purify the air inside your home space better than any other species of plant. People with some airborne allergies can find a cure in them as it aids in the breathing process. It is known to fantastically remove all the toxins from the air including formaldehyde and benzene.

Sansevieria Plant Benefits

3. Boosts Mental Health -

The growing emphasis has been placed on mental health these days. These plants when placed indoors is said to bless one with calmer vibes. It blesses one with a sense of contentment, thereby helping them forget about all kinds of blues of their lives. As it releases oxygen in large amounts, it improves the mood and energy of everyone in the room.

Sansevieria Plant Benefits

4. Blesses With Fengshui benefits -

Its sword-like leaves are said to resemble strength during tough times. And is also said to bring wealth and fortune to its owner. Business-wise, having a Fengshui plant as this sansevieria is said to bring good luck and prosperity. As paper Fengshui norms, sansevierias should be placed in southeastern, southern, and eastern corners to prevent the flow of negative Chi.

Sansevieria Plant Benefits

5. Low Maintenance -

Having a low maintenance plant around the house is a blessing for all those who have a hard time nurturing plants but still would like to have them around. Sansevieria plants are perfect for every beginner gardener or a busy working person who won’t be able to give much attention to its care requirements. These are drought-tolerant plants and love dry conditions, hence one can go days without watering them.

Sansevieria Plant Benefits

6. Easy to Propagate -

This plant can easily propagate through its leaf cuttings. The leaf should be healthy, shiny, and not too old to carry out this propagation technique. You can even propagate the plant via its rhizomes. You can pick three healthy rhizomes with healthy leaves on them and can propagate them easily with the help of their developing roots.

Sansevieria Plant Benefits

7. Beats Allergies and Cancer -

Though there is no said cause behind cancer sansevierias have powerful air-purifying and oxygen-producing qualities which helps to remove air toxins. Benzene, formaldehyde, etc. are said to cause lung cancer and annoying allergic reactions when comes in contact with us. Hence, having a sansevieria will surely keep you and your loved ones safe and sound.

Sansevieria Plant Benefits

So, now that you know! Go ahead and look for snake plant online price to bring home one or two, right away.

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