10 Spring Gardening Tips for Plants - 2020

The season of cold has gone, and the spring has just begun. Every season change requires an extra effort from gardeners to care about the plants. Many gardeners are packed with the bits and pieces of their work. But there are some who are still learning. But the spring gardening tips that we are about to discuss today will help both. Give it a quick reading shot to enhance your gardening skills and to grow lovely plants.

Here you go!

Spring Gardening Tips for Plants

1. Clean The Garden

The first and one of the foremost things to do in regards to spring gardening tips are to clean the garden. Remove all the debris and get rid of weeds down from the roots so that they won’t grow back. Consider removing all the dry leaves, both on plant and off the plant, so that bacterias don’t grow.

Clean The Garden

2. Space Between Plants

Make sure there is adequate space between two plants so that they do not affect each other’s growth and also leave enough water and soil minerals for one another. If there are two plants too close to each other, then pull the one carefully and place it somewhere else. Also, make sure there is no unwanted grass near the stem.

Space Between Plants

3. Cut The Dead Growth

Consider cutting down the dead growths of plants from the previous season. Cutting dead growth will let the plants grow fresh in the best manner. Leave the dead growth where it falls after cutting as it will work as a weed-suppressing mulch. Also, naturally decomposed mulch is good for the health of the soil.

Cut The Dead Growth

4. Care Your Gardening Tools

Not just for spring gardening, it is good to care for your gardening tools for every season. Keep all the gardening tools clean and sharp for better outcomes. Use the recommended detergent and hot water to clean them. Caring your gardening tools will not let things like fungi grow and will also save you some money.

Care Your Gardening Tools

5. Feed Your Plants Well

Soil alone can’t provide all the nutrients that plants need to grow to their best. Hence, you should feed them with the best quality fertilizers. Sprinkle a little amount of fertilizer on plants with your hands and place more around the base of the stem. Your plants may be feeling hungry after winter and spring is the ideal time to feed them.

Feed Your Plants Well

6. Add New Plants

It’s time to welcome new members of the family! It’s all up to you what kind of plants you want to add in your spring garden. But just for the reference, you can go for vegetable plants like peas and some plants such as pansies and tulips to furnish your beloved garden with a splash of colours. You can get them from a local nursery or can buy plants online.

Add New Plants

7. Use Cooking Water to Hydrate Plants

Well, this spring gardening tips has two benefits. Firstly, by reusing the water used in boiling and cooking vegetables, you are saving the most precious natural resource of the earth, which is vital for the survival of mankind. Secondly, the leftover minerals and vitamins of the cooked food will nurture the plants for healthy growth.

Use Cooking Water to Hydrate Plants

8. Add Soil Tester In Your Gardening Tools

You are putting all you can to grow plants that survive for long periods of time but not getting the expected results. Do you know why? Maybe because you have planted the plants in the wrong type of soil. A soil testing equipment can be a great help for you and your plants this spring season.

Add Soil Tester In Your Gardening Tools

9. Nourish Plants with Eggshells

You must have been throwing the eggshells all your life thinking that they are of no use. But if you have plants in your home then spreading eggshells around the base of your plants is one of the helpful spring gardening tips for you. The eggshells will provide calcium to the soil and will also repel certain insects.

Nourish Plants with Eggshells

10. Use Creative and Beautiful Plant Vases

Potting your plants in creative and beautiful plant vases will add a touch of decor to your plants. If you have an indoor garden on your balcony, then you must have vases that look good. And if you have a proper garden, using a mix of plants potted in creative vases and in the ground itself will give a charismatic look to your beloved plants and the garden.

Use Creative and Beautiful Plant Vases

And here are some quick tips...

  • Use a Magnifying Glass to closely examine and diagnose your plant pests and insects to identify them and follow the treatment accordingly
  • Insects can’t stand plants such as garlic, onions, chives and chrysanthemums. Grow these plants around the garden to help repel insects.
  • Stop planting like farmers, all at once; plant what you need, when the season and weather are right
  • Take advantage of area garden lectures, seminars, and shows.

“May this spring, your gardening skill reach an expert level”

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