Thandai Mawa Cake Recipe For Your Holi Party

The festival of Holi is on the horizon and one of the best things about this festival is of course sweetness. Holi is incomplete without the sweetness of gujiya, and amazing sweets that are prepared specially for this festival. This holi go beyond just gujiyas and try something new and delightful or maybe something that rhymes well with the festival. How about a homemade cake with a desi twist? Yes, you guessed it right! We are talking about thandai mawa cake, the perfect fusion of desi and videsi is one dessert.

 Thandai Mawa Cake Recipe

So, if you wish to try something different in this Holi festival, go for this amazing delight that will surely be loved by all children and adults and surely be a hit in your Holi celebrations.

Thandai Spice Mawa Cake With Rose Syrup Fresh Cream

Here is the Holi special thandai cake recipe that will surely make for an unforgettable Holi celebration.

Ingredients For: Mawa Cake

3/4 cup flour

2 tbsp corn flour

1/2 tsp baking powder

7 tbsp sugar

6 tbsp khowa or mawa (crumbled)

1/4 cup milk

1 large egg

100 gms butter

Mawa Cake recipe

Thandai Syrup

Handful of almonds

3 tbsp milk

1 tbsp melon seeds

3 fat pods of green cardamom

4-5 peppercorns

1/3 tsp fennel seeds

1/4 tsp poppy seeds

A pinch of saffron


1 cup fresh cream

2 tbsp rose syrup

3 tbsp castor sugar

Procedure For Making: Thandai Syrup

• Soak the melon seeds and almonds at least for 2 hours.

• In another bowl, separately soak saffron in milk.

• Once the nuts and seeds are soft, blend everything together to a paste.

• The textureI would be a little grainy. Now keep this aside.

Procedure For Making: Thandai Syrup

Cake Base

• Start by sieving the flour, corn flour and baking powder that is all the dry ingredients together.

• Now grate the mawa and measure it as per the recipe.

• Preheat the oven at 180 degree C and line and grease a 6" pan with some vegetable oil.

• Take a large bowl and start by beating the sugar and butter till it is creamy and smooth.

• Now add the mawa into this creamy mixture and mix and beat properly for a minute.

• Whisk in the egg and then add half of the flour and using a spatula fold it nicely into the egg batter.

• Add the milk and the thandai spiced syrup which has turned very thick by now.

• Fold in and finally add the rest of the flour.

• Mix all the ingredients together until a smooth lump-free batter is obtained.

• Now pour the better into the pan and bake for 45-50 minutes.

• Check if the cake has baked properly by inserting a toothpick in the center and it comes out clean.

• Let the cake cool in the pan for 15 minutes and then invert on a wire rack.


• Whip the chilled fresh cream with the rose syrup till you get stiff peaks.

• Using a spatula first layer a big dollop of cream on one layer and then sandwich with the other layer. Cover the whole cake with more cream and decorate with nuts and roses or as you wish this mawa cake recipe is easy to follow and believe us, you will surely get an amazing dessert out of it. Perfect cake for Holi celebrations, this cake will be loved by one and all and will surely tantalize the taste buds of your loved ones.

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