Top 6 Cake Flavours for Birthday & Anniversary

Life gives us so many reasons to celebrate ourselves and our loved ones. There might be just 12 months in a year, but every year there are so many special occasions and festivals that demand to be celebrated with great fervour and heightened spirits. Two such special life milestones would be birthdays and anniversaries. Getting older, aka birthdays, are one of the most celebrated occasions of all times and across all the continents. People are happy on their birthdays and on their loved one’s birthdays, wherein they thank the Almighty for their loved one’s existence. Talking about anniversaries, we all know how special it is to find the love of our lives and share our lives with them. Hence people celebrate their romantic relationships - the love for which they are grateful for on anniversaries and which is exactly what makes anniversaries such a special occasion. Enough said about these two special occasions, now what if we asked you a question? What is that thing which is common in these two joyous celebrations? If you guessed it to be cake, then yes, you are absolutely right. Give yourself a pat on your back! And read this article to find out the topmost of those 6 cake flavours that rule at these two special occasions - birthdays and anniversaries.

DISCLAIMER - You may start salivating as soon as we name these cake flavours. So make sure to feel free to order these cake flavours online from some reputed bakery.

top 6 cake flavours for birthdays and anniversaries

Chocolate Flavour

When it comes to picking up a perfect birthday or anniversary cake, most of our’s go-to cake flavour has to be chocolate. Chocolate seems to be everyone’s favourite cake flavour, regardless of which age group one belongs to. This is exactly what makes a chocolate cake - the most popular cake of all times. Seeing the unparalleled love of people for this flavour, bakers worldwide came up with plenty of delicious extensions of it, including chocolate truffle cake, chocolate mocha cake, chocolate rum cake, chocolate lava cake, and chocolate lava cake and others.

Chocolate Flavour

Black Forest Flavour

Many times, people want to add a dash of exotic royalness to their cakes for birthdays and anniversaries. This is when they opt for another tempting cake flavour called Black Forest. Black Forest Cake is said to be a chocolate sponge cake that is filled with rich cherry liquor and further has been topped off with some more cherries. It is said to be a German origin cake that is loved by people worldwide.

Black Forest Flavour

Red Velvet Flavour

Where there is love for the other person, there has to be a red velvet cake. Yes, it has been made that obvious. The thought of marking our loved one’s birthday and anniversary over a bright yet beautiful red velvet cake seems like the right thing to do. Don’t you think? From its creamy texture due to the presence of cream cheese to its buttery taste, we all pretty much know why people have been drooling over this sweet delicacy. Isn’t it? If you don’t seem to know why even after we tell you, you better order it right away to know it for yourself.

Red Velvet Flavour

Butterscotch Flavour

Butterscotch cakes have that perfectly sweet crunch, which makes it so desirable not just to our eyes but also to our taste buds. Butterscotch is made by certain caramelising ingredients, including brown sugar, butter, cream, flavours, etc. It came into the picture back in the 19th century, and since then, it hasn’t left the picture being everyone’s birthday/anniversary party favourite cake flavour.

Butterscotch Flavour

Kitkat Flavour

Including chocolates, candies and cookies in a cake has been the latest trend in the baking industry. One such popular kind of cake flavour would be Kitkat cake flavour. From adding the bits and pieces of some KitKat bars in the cake batter to topping off the cake with some Kitkat bars, this cake flavour is very popular among kids, youngsters, and adults. The crunchiness of the Kitkat bars gives this cake flavour an edgy taste and appeal, which is why it is truly loved by all.

Kitkat Flavour

Vanilla Flavour

When no other flavours of cakes were in the picture, vanilla cake was everyone’s favourite. But things, in this case, didn’t happen to change much. For some, vanilla still happens to be an “old yet gold kind of flavour”. It is the oldest cake flavour which still happens to be loved by many today. Vanilla extracts are used to make this cake, along with some other cake ingredients. There are many kinds of birthday cakes and anniversary cakes which have been made and presented in vanilla flavour.

Vanilla Flavour

So, now that you know which one of these cake flavours would you be choosing to pamper yourself or some of your loved ones? Do let us know!

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