8 Types Of Landscaping Plants That Beautify Spaces & Serve Something
Before we dive into the soothing beauty and know about the different types of landscaping plants, let us throw some light on what landscaping plants actually are and why they are called so. Everything on your property outside your home is a part of the landscape, and the modern trend of making it aesthetically pleasing through landscaping plants is going viral.

What are landscaping plants?
Plants that fall under landscaping plants are grown with the objective of beautifying your surroundings, such as a backyard, garden, or even a road. Not limited to the only purpose of beauty, landscaping plants also need to provide and serve something architectural, functional, and engineered uses such as providing shelter. Controlling soil erosion, air pollution, and humidity, are some of the function uses of types of landscaping plants. The architectural uses include creating floor, ceiling, and even walls of an outdoor area. And one of the engineering uses of landscaping plants is providing comfort to riders and drivers from sun glares and eliminating headlight rays of the traffic on the opposite road.

What are some different types of landscaping plants?
Now, we are all set to get familiar with landscape plants' names and pictures. There are so many lively greens to talk about, but we have brought the best eight to you. We are limiting the plant types to eight only. It helps you make a quick decision as to which ones you're gonna use. It is a proven fact that if we are provided with limited options to choose from, the decision will be real quick.
1. Trees -
Trees are on top because they are known to the world for higher popularity. They make a good choice for creating natural landscapes because one has to raise their eyes to gather all the beauty, and it makes people feel like working at a piece of true art. While many people choose to have the evergreen trees that keep their foliage all around the year, some love to have trees in their landscape that sheds leaves in winter. Japanese Maple Trees, Flamboyant Flame Trees, and Golden Rain Trees are some of the finest picks.

2. Shrubs -
Shrubs are actually too dense and they are smaller in height than trees. Upright, spreading, rounded, mounding, arching, and cascading are the particular habits that shrubs tend to take on. Shrubs provide a particular sense of designing the landscape into shapes. For most gardeners, shrubs are a way of showing creativity as they can be maintained in different shapes using pruning tools. North Pole Arborvitae, Rose Bushes, Boxwood, and Juniper are some of the best shrubs for landscaping.

3. Annuals -
The annual defines that annual plants complete their life cycle, from germination to production of seeds, within a year, and then they die. The reason why Annuals always find a place in the list of types of landscaping plants is the ornamental beauty that they provide. But remember, as you know why they are annuals, you need to replant them every year. Hosta is a type of annual loved by gardeners for landscaping because of its mesmerising foliage. Flowering plants like petunias, poppies, and marigolds are some of the flowering plants for landscaping that fall into the category of ‘Annuals’.

4. Perennials -
While annual landscaping plants need to be planted every year, perennials are loved by homeowners and gardeners to better the landscape as they have the ability to rebloom and require low maintenance. Perennials let you add some blooming colours to the landscape without much effort. Rose, Bougainvillea, Hibiscus Rosa Sinensis, Ixora, Lantana, Adenium, Milii, and Kalanchoe are some of the best flowering plants for landscaping in India.

5. Grasses -
The word grasses pops up an image of thin and tiny green grass. It is because of its easy adaptability to conditions and its high use around the world. But, while talking about plants that are good to make a landscape beautiful, we want to throw the limelight on ornamental grasses. The ornamental grasses are much bigger in height than the common grasses and let you add some texture behind shorter annual flowers. Blue Fescue, Pampas Grass, and Muhly Grass are some of the grasses that are ornamental.

6. Vines -
The highly essential use of vines for landscaping is to create ceilings and walls supported by a structure. Vines can easily grow longer, but they need support to go up. Some people let the vines strand on the ground to create some magical vibes in the landscape. To know better how vines are used as types of landscaping plants, you should go through the pictures of vines used for landscaping. Autumn Clematis Vines, Wisteria Vines, and Purple Morning Glory are some of the most enthralling vines to use for landscaping.

7. Ground Covers -
Do you thrive for a carpet-like coverage in your landscape, but a natural one? If yes, then you need to grow ground cover plants. Ground covers are an alternative to the small green grass to cover the big landscape more beautifully. But the limitation of ground covers is that they don’t love footfall over them. So, if you want to scroll around in your backyard and also want to make it beautiful, place ground cover plants beneath trees and around the stone passage. Wooly Thyme, Irish Moss, Blue Star Creepers, and Corsican Mint are a few of the ground cover plants suitable for landscape cover.

8. Aquatic Plants -
If you want to create perfect beauty out of your landscape, you need to have some dedicated area for a small pond. And to add attributes and attractiveness to the pond, you should use aquatic types of landscaping plants. Hyacinth and Lotus are flowering aquatic plants that float on water. Some aquatic plants stay completely submerged underwater, and some grow along the water’s edge.

Before you start your mission of lovely landscaping, know about the habitat needs and weather conditions required for the landscaping plants that you have chosen. Your choice can also depend on the look of your home and its colour combination. Going all floral and plushy is recommended if you want to create a fairytale landscape.
Finding time to start your green landscape project is difficult in today’s hectic life, and hence you can order some types of plants for landscaping through online plant delivery.