5 Unique Birthday Surprise Gifts Ideas for Him

When it comes to a surprise party and gifts, girls rule the territory. Somehow, it's entirely known that only women fall in love with cheesy, loving gestures that involve surprising them with presents on special occasions. However, it's devastating to break it to you ladies, men around you feel the butterflies in their stomachs too when they are pampered with cheesy love gestures, romantic bliss and birthday surprise ideas for him on the occasions. So, now when you know that he might be secretly waiting for you to do something that will make him feel loved, which surprise birthday ideas for him, are you going to choose? Although, when you are in love every passing day is a celebration but if you wish to go the extra mile for him and to wish to spellbound him with the charm of your love on his birthday, go ahead, leave him stunned with birthday surprise ideas for bf, husband or fiance male with a hint of fun in it.

Unique Birthday Surprise Gifts Ideas

1. Photographs and Balloon

You might have to do some digging here and scroll through his Instagram and Facebook feeds and find a few of the handsome pictures of him and loving memories between you two. Once you sort them out, print them out on paper or polaroid card and punch a hole on the top middle of the images. Fill the room with helium balloons (as much as there are photographs) and tie the thread on the punched holes of the picture and let your memories afloat in the room creating a perfect birthday surprise idea for boyfriend.

Photographs and Balloon

2. A Personalised Gift Hamper

Put together some common personalised birthday gifts with his name or images on them and place them conveniently exactly where they are supposed to be found before he wakes up. For instance, replace the new personalised mug with his usual coffee mug, so whenever he reaches to start the day with piping hot coffee, he will find his new favourite sitting exactly at the shelf in the kitchen. Similarly, you can place a personalised photo frame on the bed table after he falls asleep so that it is the first thing he looks at when he wakes up. This birthday surprise ideas for husband will make you wait a little longer at night, at least until he falls asleep. This one is one of the loveliest birthday surprises for him.

Personalised Gift Hamper

3. A Long Road Trip

Ask your man to accompany you on a short trip to the supermarket and take him on a long drive wherein he enjoys the music and weather and feel like a free soul on his birthday. To add to the zest, you can decorate the destination and ask your friends and relatives to join you there only. You can arrange a birthday party there only, which is filled with all his favourite elements, for instance, his favourite cake flavour, his favourite flower, his best friends and colleagues and so much more. This is one of the best creative birthday surprise ideas for your boyfriend will leave him enchanted with your charm and make him feel immensely loved by you as you managed to infuse two different surprises in one and make a grand gesture too. An unexpected long drive is a birthday surprise for boyfriend, husband, or male fiance, that he will never forget!

A Long Road Trip

4. King of The Day

This birthday surprise ideas for husband will not only make you a queen of his heart but also require minimal planning on your behalf. On his birthday, dedicate the day entirely for him and make him feel like your king. Do whatever activity he wants and prepare food as per his likening. Pay attention to his wishes and on this special day, which comes just once a year, make him feel loved and special. Your only agenda on his birthday is to pamper him all day long. He will feel elated with this royal treatment and will remember this birthday for a long time to come.

King of the Day

5. Dedicate s Song on Air

You have to make some effort for this one, but it will steal his heart once again for sure. Be one of those love-stricken couples dedicating songs for each other and dedicate a romantic number to him which the whole world will listen to along with him. This birthday surprise idea for him will make him blush with feelings and is one of the best surprises ever. It could be the best birthday surprise for fiance male.

Dedicate a Song on Air

While you are planning for one of these, don’t forget to get him a beautiful present and if you don’t like what the local gift shop is available with, order birthday gift online and gift a perfect token of love and appreciation on his day.

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