10 Signs That Prove You Are A Modern Father

Being the best father means that you put food on the table and a roof over your family’s heads. Modern fathers go the extra mile to show their heroic talents by adapting to conventional parenting. You do not have to be all serious and pushy on your kids as we all have different talents and preferences. You will need to understand what your kids love and know their weaknesses so that they inspire them to pursue their dreams.

Signs That Prove You Are A Modern Father

It also bridges the gap between you and your kids creating an environment where you both can share your views and mistakes without any worries. In this post, we share the ten signs that prove you are a modern father. Read on.

You know the modern lingo

You know the modern lingo

Slang is a popular lingo usually used by the younger generations. As someone who has also gone through this stage in life, it is simple to catch up on some of these catchy words. Some of the modern terms are YOLO, NVM, and OMG. You can surprise your kids by including some of these terms in your conversation or through text messages.

You are interested in your children’s hobbies

You are interested in your children’s hobbies

It is essential that you keep in mind that every person is different. Some of the differences can be seen on what your children prefer the most. As a modern father, it is your responsibility to show interest in your children’s hobbies and interests. You can do your own research with regards to your interests and hobbies from the internet. And you can also help them with tasks like homework so that they get enough time to do what they love.

He practises what he teaches

He practises what he teaches

A real-life hero is someone who stands by their belief. Inspire and motivate your kids to follow in your footsteps and practice what you preach. It’s rather weird for anyone to make a point about not doing a certain thing - then a few moments later be found on the wrong side.

He looks at the bigger picture

He looks at the bigger picture

A father is considered by his kids to have all the answers. But, no one has all the answers - we all make mistakes. A modern father will accept that there are things he does not know, he will promise to conduct research so that they can better answer the questions.

He understands the importance of work-life balance

He understands the importance of work-life balance

Though the only way anyone can make their dreams come true is by hours of work and practice, it is true that all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Find time to chat and engage your kids in some activities other than work, after all, life is a gift to celebrate with our loved ones. You can trade gift cards and caricatures to make the times behind the desk worthwhile with a bunch of amazing happy Fathers Day cards from daughter and son.

You let them explore

You let them explore

Life is all about exploring a variety of things so that you can find what you really love. It is said that we seize to exist the moment we close the window to exploration. As a modern father, you must encourage your children to explore things and take precaution.

Allow kids to date

Allow kids to date

Dating is something that is an eventual possibility for everyone. A modern dad is not too strict about his children dating. When you encourage your kid to date, it means that your kids will trust you to tell you everything. This makes it easy for you to give advice.

You know the modern chat platforms like Facebook & Instagram

You know the modern chat platforms like Facebook & Instagram

Technology is moving at a fast pace, but there are some basic apps that everyone should have on their mobile phones like Facebook and Instagram. As a modern father keep up with technology and in touch on what’s happening around the world, and with your kids via these social media platforms.

Be disciplined not strict

Be disciplined not strict

When it comes to dealing with your children, always know that “there are different strokes for different folks”. So, do not express mixed feelings and emotions to your children. Be disciplined and follow your daily rituals, you will see your children follow suit.

Spend time with your children

Spend time with your children

A great father is someone who is always there for his kids. You might be busy taking your kids to school, and not know how much it means to your kid. So, find time from your busy schedule and spend time with them.

In Conclusion

The above-mentioned signs of a modern father will help you mend your relationships with your kids. You will appreciate the love and care they will shower you with on special occasions like Father’s Day and birthday. Your kids will use their creativity and surprise you with amazing personalised Fathers Day gifts.

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