Ayurvedic Herbs & Formulations That Can Boost Your Immunity

I urge you to have a look at the Ayush Ministry protocol, make it a part of your lives and share it with others. Let’s keep the focus on being healthy. After all, good health is the harbinger of happiness- Tweeted Narendra Modi- the Prime Minister of India

Immunity is our body's ability to provide resistance or protection against diseases and infections caused by pathogens such as viruses, bacteria, parasites and other harmful microorganisms. So, naturally, immune boosters are foods, fruits, vegetables or even artificially designed supplements that help us increase our ability to fight diseases.

Ayurvedic Herbs & Formulations That Can Boost Your Immunity

In the wake of the outbreak of COVID 19, the entire human race is suffering worldwide. Enhancing the body's natural defense system (immunity) plays an important role in maintaining optimal health. We all know that prevention is better than cure. Although there is no medicine for COVID-19 yet, it would be good to take preventive measures that increase our immunity in these times.

Ayurveda, being the science of life, promotes the gifts of nature to stay healthy and happy. Ayurveda's broad knowledge base on preventive care derives from the concepts of "Dinacharya" - "Ritucharya" - seasonal governance for maintaining daily life and healthy living. It is a science based on plants. The simplicity of awareness of oneself and the harmony of each person can be attained by maintaining and maintaining his or her immunity has been given importance in the classical scriptures of Ayurveda.

Here are some ayurvedic immunity booster that will help you fight your body again deadly virus and other harmful bacterias


Ashwagandha is an important herb in Ayurveda. The name translates to "the smell of the horse", indicating its boundless strength and ability to bear its unique scent. It is a shrub and extracts or powder of its roots and leaves are used for various purposes. It can reduce blood sugar levels, cortisol levels, depression, and symptoms of inflammation. It helps to increase strength, muscle mass and improve brain functions. Intake of this incredible immunity booster ayurvedic ashwagandha will help you prevent harmful bacteria.



Neem, also known as 'miracle herb', is another antimicrobial immunity ayurveda herb whose every part is therapeutic in nature. Neem cleanses the blood and flushes out any toxins from the body. Neem has the ability to fight fungus, viruses, and bacteria. It is known for its anticancer properties. Neem is very beneficial in treating skin ulcers, loss of appetite, heart diseases, diabetes, gums and liver diseases. Neem is considered as one of the best medicinal plants to cure diseases.


Amla or Gooseberry

Another great immunity booster ayurvedic herb is gooseberry aka amla. Take one Amla every day on an empty stomach and you will see the benefits yourself. Amla or Indian gooseberry is loaded with the benefits of vitamin C, and beta-carotene and is a rich source of antioxidants, which helps in boosting immunity. 1 amla is equal to 20 citric fruits.

Amla or Gooseberry

Adrak or Ginger

Ginger, also known as Adrak or Shaunti in Sanskrit, is also known in Ayurveda as Vishva-Ordnance, which is a cure for many disorders and therefore the best immune booster in Ayurveda. Have an inch long slice of Ginger with a pinch of rock salt prior to lunch, to cleanse the palate and stimulate appetite. This potent combination is also a known and effective antidote for nausea. One of the best herbs to boost immune system.

Adrak or Ginger


Chyawanprash is an excellent Ayurvedic supplement that is suitable for all climates as the major ingredients can overcome the unpleasant effects of extreme climatic conditions. Take 10gm (1tsp) in the morning. Diabetic patients should take Chyawanprash without sugar. “Strong immunity is necessary to fight any type of foreign body or disease. Eating one teaspoon of Chyawanprash daily increases immunity, especially of the lungs and respiratory system. The best immunity booster ayurvedic medicine you can take to prevent yourself from harmful bacteria.



Curcumin is a herb commonly known as turmeric. Turmeric has many health benefits, making it an herb that has been used in Ayurveda for centuries. Curcumin is rich in antioxidants, which helps boost your immunity and prevents any damage to your body due to the presence of free radicals. These antioxidant properties of curcumin have been linked to cancer prevention, particularly colon cancer, and it inhibits the growth of a specific type of protein that helps cancer cells to grow. It promotes the health of your liver and can also improve the health of your heart.


So, these were some of the best ayurvedic medicines for immunity improvement. Include these immunity booster ayurvedic herbs in your diet and stay safe and stay healthy!

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