Best Eggless Vanilla Cake Recipe without Condensed Milk

First-time baker? Struggling to make the first cake? What you need is a simple cake recipe. And, you cannot go wrong with a vanilla cake. Yes, vanilla cake. And if you are a vegan, then better yet - you can easily bake an eggless vanilla cake without condensed milk .

Eggless Vanilla Cake Recipe

So, put on your oven mitt and pick up the whisking bowl; we are about to whip up a sensational eggless vanilla cake one step at a time. First, the essentials. Before hunting the basic ingredients, every baker needs to understand the composition and consistency they wish to achieve for the cake.

An eggless vanilla cake must check the following boxes at all time:

• Is light

• Even texture

• Fluffy

Another important and highly undermined feature is the moistness of the cake at every bite. Only professional bakers who craft cakes right from scratch know how to maintain the consistency through the cake without making it too dry upon tasting. Now, as an amateur cook, all you can do is try your best. Even if the cake does not turn up to be perfect, you could always satisfy your craving for cakes by ordering in professionally baked cakes with same-day delivery. Now that you have a fall back plan, let's get started!

Recipe for eggless vanilla cake without condensed milk :

eggless vanilla cake


1. 1 + ½ cups all purpose flour (if you are on a diet, the alternative could be using 1 cup all purpose flour with ½ cup semolina)

2. 1 teaspoon baking powder

3. ½ teaspoon baking soda

4. 1 cup yogurt

Though eggs are the basic ingredient of most cakes, in the recipe for eggless vanilla cake, we are going to go with yogurt because, it is an excellent alternative

5. ¾ cup castor sugar (castor sugar is a healthier alternative to processed sugar)

6. ½ cup vegetable oil

7. 1 teaspoon vanilla extract or vanilla beans (to get that aromatic vanilla flavor)

8. Some crushed walnuts (optional)

P.s. you can put any type of nut as per your preference. Adding raisins and other dry fruits is the dealer's choice.

Now let's start off the eggless vanilla cake without condensed milk bake session rolling:

eggless vanilla cake without condensed milk

1. Preheat the oven to 180 degree Celsius and line round cake pan with parchment paper. If you do not have access to a later, you may butter the pan.

2. In a bowl of proportionate size, whisk together flour & baking powder and set it aside.

3. Put yogurt in a separate bowl, sprinkle baking soda over it and set it aside. It will foam up.

4. Whisk the sugar and oil together in a separate bowl until it turns pale.

5. For the final step, pour the yogurt mixture to the oil-sugar mixture and mix.

6. Add the vanilla extract at last.

7. Gently mix until everything in the batter.

8. Add the nuts (if you are adding)in the batter and transfer it to the prepared cake pan.

9. Bake at 180C for 30-35 minutes and TA DA, your cake is ready.

Additional tidbits:

Mixing- while combining both dry and wet ingredients, you need to mix just the right proportion and mix them steadily. Overmixing of ingredients does not leave air pockets, and hence, the cake comes out less fluffy and denser. Frosting - if you enjoy your cake with heavy frosts, you are most probably waiting for the cake to come out of the oven soon. However, it is important to let the cake cool down before laying layers of frost. Hotcakes do not allow the frosting to set properly. Now marvel at the sight of a gorgeous eggless cake without condensed milk.

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