Celebrating Nostalgia, Celebrating November - Making #memoriesforlife

There were times when days were full of laughter and nights were glowing with sparkles, there were times when the search of solace ended at the Mumma’s lap, and there were times when our world was in Papa’s hug. Truly, these were the days we lived for. But, now it’s just a warm glow of nostalgia.

celebrating nostalgia, celebrating November

It is said, “The best thing about memories is making them.” And you know what? We were lucky enough to have weaved a web of sweet memories that we all reminiscence now and then with tears of joy in eyes and contentment in heart.

As we step into adulthood, the shadow of the good times spent with the family, friends, and relatives continue to linger. To help you all relive and re-cherish all the revered moments, FlowerAura is celebrating memorable and nostalgic November, Are you in?

1. Send A Hug To Mom

Remember those days when you waited eagerly for the school to get over so that you can go back home and give your mother a tight hug? Well, who can ever forget those days? And not only you, your mother too eagerly waited for that huggy moment to happen. Now, scenarios are different. You live continents apart, and that mushy-hug moment comes once in a year or maybe after years. And we know you and your mom dearly miss your cuddling moments. Send a photo comfy cushion from us to your mother and let her experience the warmth of your hug, every day.

 a hug to mom

2. Extend a Nostalgic, Warm Smile to Papa

Dad’s are no less different than coconuts. Hard on the outside, soft on the inside. It is when you are far away from him, you realize that even in his scolding, there was love. You may not have expressed to him that you love him as much you love your mother, but this is the time yo do so. Send him a bouquet of love and affection with a message card or a thank you greeting card to lit up his mornings and heart with beaming smiles.

a nostalgic, warm smile to papa

3. Take A Memory Trip With Siblings

“Sibling: the only enemy you can’t live without.” We all couldn’t agree with it more. They are notoriously annoying creatures that we love to share our lives with. It comes as no surprise that you and your sibling do not share the same home and life because of professional and other reasons. But, you can surely take a memory trip with each other. Plan a trip to a place you both always wanted to visit or a place with which your fondest memories are associated. Relive your childhood once again. You can gift each other personalised travel accessories like passport covers, tote bags, sippers to make the trip unforgettable for each other.

a memory trip with siblings

4. Gift A Token Of Remembrance To Friends

Friends are family not by blood but by heart. In a lifetime, we all are blessed with a friend or friends without whom we cannot imagine our life to be sane. But living the hum-drum life, we rarely get time to catch up with our old buddies. So, why not gift them a token of remembrance from our childhood, which they will cherish for years to come. If dirtying your hands in the garden was your favourite time pass, then let us tell you “daag ache the.” Gift a plant to your friend and let your friendship bear sweet fruits over time.

a remembrance to friends

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