Common Brother Sister Fights Over Silly Things

Every brother-sister fight feels like a battle between cats and dogs. The love bond is surely divine and beyond time, space, and universe, but it is covered with a layer of a streak of fights that happens from time to time over silly things.

There is no point in looking deep into the source of the fight between brothers and sisters because it will only lead to reasons that sound childish. Parents do scold the siblings for their nonsense, but the silly fights create memories that last forever and keep the relationship healthy. There has to be an installation of multiple cameras set up to record a world war that feels like a battle whenever brothers and sisters fight. No need for direction and no requirement for the screenplay rehearsals; the silly fight will look like a perfectly planned and synchronized scene only if you get to record it.

Common Brother Sister Fights Over Silly Things

Celebrating the sweet and salty relationship of a brother and sister, here we are mentioning some common brother-sister fights that emerge out of silly things and issues.

The Television Remote Fight

It is so rare that a brother and sister develops a common taste for the shows being telecasted on television. And the difference in taste gives birth to the silliest and most common fight between brothers and sisters. In the wake of conquering the ownership of television remote, sofa cushions and floor mats always earn the tag of martyrs.

The Television Remote Fight

The Chocolate Steal Fight

Without a doubt, we can keep the sisters on the innocent side for this one. And the brothers play the part of the villain. In almost every brother-sister relationship, you can witness a fight over chocolates. Sisters love to eat chocolates, and they keep them stored in the refrigerator. Brothers play the role of invaders and steal the chocolates. The deliciousness is gone, and the brother-sister fight begins.

The Chocolate Steal Fight

The Gift Snatching Fight

The fun and satisfaction derived from teasing your brother/sister are out of the world. And that's why when we see our brother/sister receiving a gift, we start planning about snatching it. When brothers and sisters fight over gift snatching, one can have an experience of unmeasurable madness. Some snatch the gift to tear apart the packaging and unbox the gift, and some snatch it to hide it somewhere else just to tease the sibling at an extreme.

The Gift Snatching Fight

You Are Adopted Fight

What can be more silly than calling each other adopted and trying to prove it with extreme dedication? And again, brothers are the ones who earn the tag of villains in this common brother-sister fight. Girls are sensitive, and they get hurt more often than boys. Brothers take advantage of it and keep teasing their sisters for being adopted and the real child. Well, sometimes sisters can be villains too!

You Are Adopted Fight

An Eye For An Eye Fight

Revenge! Revenge! Revenge! Even if the topic starts with a mistake, it will end with a fight. "You have done this to me that day, and now it's my turn to punish you back". This one is a common dialogue in a brother-sister relationship that comes to life and boosts the brothers and sisters' fight. If you think that your sister/brother will forget that you pinched that day, you are making a mistake. You must be ready for something more than a pinch in the name of revenge.

An Eye For An Eye Fight

Even if the fights happen over silly things, do not stay a step back and never sacrifice your win. Keep those silly fights with your brothers and sisters continue as they only add more strength to the love of the relationship. Such fights help you have a happy time on Raksha Bandhan when the sister ties the sacred thread and the brother presents a Raksha Bandhan gift for the sister.

"You broke my makeup kit! Aaaaarrrrgghhhhh….."
Oops! See you guys; I need to run now!

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