Creative Ways to Plant a Vertical Garden

A garden is that part of the house where a great amount of positivity is stored and it is understandable as well. Wherever there are so many plants living in harmony together, the energy will feel pure. So, if you don't have a garden at your home yet, then buy plant online and make sure to build one. Space issues are one of the biggest reasons holding people back from having a garden at home but this is why we have creative planting ideas. They save a lot of space and are amazing to look at. On this note, let's go over how to grow vertical garden at home.

creative planting ideas

The Wall of Plants

You must have seen it enough by now to understand what a wall of plants is. It is a wall well equipees with a lot of pots that you can plant in.

creative planting ideas

Plants in Cans

When you want to keep small plants, you can do it very well with some cans. Just use any type of cans you find and Buy Plants Online.

creative planting ideas

Ceiling Plants

You must have heard about hanging pots. Ceiling plants are derived from a similar idea. This does well in garden rooms. You can get it done on your balcony as well but make sure that your ceiling is sturdy enough.

creative planting ideas

Plants on a ladder

A ladder with broad shelves or something like a ladder shelf will do a lot for your vertical garden. You can keep pretty little plants on it while still being on top of your aesthetic game.

creative planting ideas

Balcony Plants

If you cannot find any other space to make a garden no matter how vertical it is, you can simply use all the space on your balcony. Just get long benches and keep cute little plants in pots on them.

creative planting ideas

Plants Stacked on Top of Each Other

As a kid you must have seen those toys where there are three differently sized bowls and they are kept in a way that they are going from smallest to biggest from top to bottom. This vertical garden idea is quite similar as it is suggesting you to stack a couple of your plants together in a way that their growth is not hampered.

creative planting ideas

Framed Plants

If you are in touch with modern decor, you must know about framed plants. Of course, the plants are arranged in a frame but they are not shut to death. There is no cover on them and they are alive. It is made out of a good combo of heavy and light plants. This is the only way to get them to fit an actual frame. Once they are set, they go to the wall directly.

creative planting ideas

Plants in Shoe Bags

It is one of the cutest ideas ever to grow little plants in a big sheet with a lot of shoe pockets. You can hang this sheet and have an edgy garden area. It saves space like it should and is also very low maintenance.

creative planting ideas

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