Stay Tuned - The Effect of Music on Plants

Music can heal wounds, that medicines can’t touch!

Whoever made this statement could not have imagined that this would not just be true for humans but for plants as well. We all are familiar with the magic that music can create. After a long tiring day, music is the medicine that heals us and motivates us to keep ongoing. Similarly, there is a great effect of music on plants. Plants are much more aware of the surroundings than we are and giving them some soul-soothing music would be a great idea. Many people think that this is just a bizarre assumption but let us clear the air here. Many studies and researches have indicated that there is a positive effect of music on plant growth and production.

Stay Tuned - The Effect of Music on Plants

The first research of music on plants was led by Dr. TC Singh in 1962. He found that plants have tangible perceptions and responded to vibrations and sound waves when they are presented to music from recorders. The balsam plants that were the object of his investigation enlarged 20% in height and 72% in biomass on tuning into the old classic melodious music.

Afterward, he again reopened his analysis where he played violin, veena, flute, and harmonium. This time as well, the plants didn't turn him down and they reacted with amazing development. In the wake of these effective examinations he affirmed that even the old style classical dance, 'Bharatnatyam' will drive plant growth.

In 1973, Dorothy Retallack started a test experiment with similar types of plants in various research facilities and utilizing various kinds of music. Her amazing experiments went to reveal insight that plants which were tuned in to old style classic music have a superior development rate. They developed twice as healthy, radiating positive vibes. Also, the plants that were on a staple diet of rock music became pale and finally died.

So, that implies that even plants have a taste of music and they surely love some classical music. There’s more to it! Here we go. Plants that were exposed to the classic music developed towards the radio that was playing the music much like a sunflower that would develop towards the sun. Dorothy documented all this in her famous book - “The sound of music and plants”.

Effect of Music on Plants

In case you're wondering how all this happens, let us clarify: Practically plants don't have any instrument or part to hear the sound yet they can detect the vibrations. So when music is played, the sound waves travel through the air and are intercepted by the protoplasm of the plant. The protoplasm or the cellular element of the plant is in the eternal movement state. This makes a condition for accelerated production and versatility of plant supplements. Henceforth, the outcome is a plant that boasts of vitality. The swaying sound frequencies works up the development of cytoplasm situated inside the plants. So, that’s how the music helps plants grow. Also, we learned above that the best music for plants is classical music.

Begin the music therapy for plants by experimenting in your own garden. Buy some plants from the online plant nursery and then get on with the experiments. You will surely have a fun time doing so.

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