Eggless Rasmalai Cake Recipe

Rasmalai itself is a drool-worthy Indian sweet treat that is truly irresistible. Just think if you get a wholesome rasmalai cake to satiate your sweet tooth? Sounds instant dreamy right? Nowadays, rasmalai cakes are pretty trending due to their heavenly blissful taste and ingredients. People can not resist the temptation to binge-eat cakes like fresh fruit cakes and eggless rasmalai cakes.

Eggless Rasmalai Cake Recipe

You can make this delightful cake at your home as well. In case you're searching for the rasmalai cake recipe, you can find them easily over Youtube. If you want to try your hands at scrumptious rasmalai cake, here is the simplest rasmalai cake recipe.

Ingredients for Eggless Rasmalai Cake

Servings - 2

Total Time - 35 Minutes


• Condensed milk - 200 gm

• 50 gm sugar syrup

• Butter - 50 gm

• 1 teaspoon of baking powder

• Rasmalai essence for cake

• Rasmalai dessert - 500 gms

• Maida - 150 gm

• vanilla essence - 1 teaspoon

• Milk - As per requirement

• 1/2 Teaspoon of soda

• Yellow food colourant

• 25 gms Pista - 25 grams

• Water - 100ml

• 1/2 Teaspoon of Kesar

Step By Step Instructions To Make Rasmalai Cake (Eggless)

• Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celcius on conventional mode.

• Take one bowl, pour the dense milk and mix butter into it. Blend it well.

• In one more bowl filter the maida, baking soda along with baking powder.

• After this, pour the condensed milk along with the batter of butter.

• Blend it delicately. Include the vanilla substance.

• Add milk to change consistency.

• Pour it in the lubed cake tin.

• Now in that particular oven mode, start baking the cake for 35 min.

• Leave the cake to cool down.

• Cut it evenly into two layers.

• After that, start making whipped cream through gradual whisking

• After this, you need to add a few drops of yellow food colourant.

• At the point when you see the cream is a bit thickened, it means the cream is prepared for icing.

• Now keep this in the refrigerator for at least 15 min.

• Take one bowl, add water and sugar to Make sugar syrup.

• Apply this sugar syrup to the cake layer.

• Take one layer of cake. Apply whipped cream. Spot the other layer and cover it with cream on the top side.

• Presently enhance the cake with rasmalai, pista, kesar, and rose petal.

So, these are the most simple steps to prepare an eggless rasmalai cake all by yourself. However, if you do not have much time to bake on your own, you can always order cake online and birthday cakes from reliable bakeries. There are so many cake varieties and options like eggless cakes and theme cakes to give you a blissful sweet treat.

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