20 Fun Facts To Use When Introducing Yourself

Not all of us are chirpy 24x7x365 days! And that is where the problem lies when it comes to cracking some interviews or making some new friends. This struggle is very much real for all those people who are an introvert person, quite like the author of this blog herself. But over time, interacting and introducing yourself to others, one tends to evolve. Here are a few interesting facts about yourself that can be used as some conversation starter questions, that you might like to ask the other person. I shall even answer, solemnly swear to answer some of these “fun facts about yourself” questions to make this blog, a bit interactive. So people, shall we?

Fun Facts To Use When Introducing Yourself

Your Favorite Hobby

Well, my favourite hobby is cooking some new dishes which I tend to look forward to doing every weekend. Cooking is therapeutic, other than being a regular household chore which takes me back to my Zen zone. One can have hobbies like singing, dancing, listening to music, watching shows on Netflix, and the list goes on and one and on...

Your Favorite Hobby Is

What Do You Love The Most

It could be a person, a thing or even a place, that a person can love the most. For me, it has to be my bunch of people who act as complete stress releasers by always getting my back on them.

What Do You Love The Most

Whom Do You Look Up to?

Some people look up to being just like their parents, siblings or even some movie stars. I personally look up to being a fiercely strong, independent lady as Michelle Obama or even Kamala Harris.

Whom Do You Look Up to

Which ArtForm Makes You Feel Most Alive?

It could be some dance form - western/fusion/classical or it could even be sketching, singing, etc. I personally love to draw some mandalas when I feel low.

Which ArtForm Makes You Feel Most Alive

Funny/ Memorable Memory Of You?

I still remember, when I was a little girl I used to go around carrying my piggy bank from my family members to make some contribution before I did littlest of the chores/favours asked by anyone. Don’t be embarrassed you can absolutely pay no heed to the embarrassing situation, that your story may lead to.

Memorable Memory Of You

Love/Hate Relationship With Siblings

Talk about the age gap and the bonding that you share with your sibling. I and my sister share a 6 years age gap wherein she still looks younger than me - which drives me insane!

Hate Relationship With Siblings

Are You Pawsitive?

Not everyone loves dogs, which is why I don’t love everyone. Was I clear enough that I am 110% pawsitive? Talk about your pet, or even love for pets, speak your heart out - don’t shy away.

Are You Pawsitive

What are you afraid of?

Sometimes, it feels good to bare one’s soul sharing something personal like our fears. I have a fear of height and failures. But with time, one understands you just can’t let go of them, just like that. You need to face them, conquer them!

What are you afraid of

Why are you the way you are?

I am absolutely crazy. I might be an introvert at first, but only God knows when I bond well with the other person, what kind of an opposite person I become. You can be absolutely different, less crazy than me!

Why are you the way you are

Which awkward stuff will I get to see if I entered your room?

I don’t know whether it’s awkward or not but if you happen to enter my room unannounced then you will get to see a few clothes lying here and there - but all of which have been washed. I bet, your awkward stuff would be more awkward than mine! Hee-haw!

Which awkward stuff will

What’s Your Dream Job?

My dream job is to share my thoughts, my views on a larger and larger level, with each passing day by being a great recognised writer. Answer yours, accordingly!

What’s Your Dream Job

What are your hidden talents?

I can touch my nose with the help of my tongue. Kidding! But it could be yours!

What are your hidden talents

Have any guilty pleasure?

My guilty pleasure has to be chocolates and chocolates and some more of that again! Yours could be something different!

Have any guilty pleasure

What does your bucket list include?

Everyone has got some tasks/adventures set for them; they were to experience every bit of it before they die. Mine would be to travel, try out different cuisines and many other things like that.

What does your bucket list

What is your best friend like?

My best friend and I have been in a long-distance relationship for over 8-9 years now. She is in a different country, and I’m in my country- both of us video call each other to speak of how much we miss each other’s company. What’s your story?

What is your best friend like

What have you accomplished in your life?

I have a fairly good education background and a good job, currently. I am pretty sure you too might have accomplished so much in your life and if nobody else is proud of you - know that I am!

What have you accomplished in your life

What is your work environment like?

My work environment is pretty chill when we are having fun at corporate parties, but when it’s serious work time, we better gear up! Colleagues are friendly; bosses aren’t bossy; what else can I ask for? Tell your part of the answer confidently!

What is your work environment like

What is your last summer story?

Last summer, I visited my hometown after ages. It felt nice and refreshing! Share yours including summer flings and all the summer things!

What is your last summer story

What did you volunteer for?

I volunteer for various social service programmes and schemes which I am kind of very proud of!

What did you volunteer for

What’s your heartwarming volunteer story?

What/ Who brightens up your day? My family brightens up my day with their warmth, smile and lovely thoughts. Come on, speak up! If there’s a special girl/guy in your life whom you are going to pamper with the best gift for girlfriend or boyfriend, respectively.

Who brightens up your day

So folks! These were some of the fun facts that you can use when introducing yourself in front of others if you are an introvert or wanting to become a bit of an outgoing person!

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