The Heart Will Break, But Broken Live On

“The cure for a broken heart is simple, my lady. A hot bath and a good night's sleep." Margaret George

We are living a life that is full of both happiness and sorrow. Where on one hand we deal with happiness very easily, it is as painful and very difficult to deal with sorrow. “ Grief is complicated” and if you are heartbroken, there can be many reasons behind it. It could be the death of a loved one, a job loss, changing careers, or losing a close friend that will leave you heartbroken and feeling like your world will never be the same or that this is the end of your life. But time is relentless and with time comes healing. It is true that pain demands to be felt but it is also true to protect your emotional wellbeing. Of course, we cannot heal a broken heart very easily, but we can make efforts and suggest ways that will make you feel better. Here are a few things that you can suggest if you are wondering how to heal the broken heart of a friend or a loved one.

The Heart Will Break, But Broken Live On

1. Pamper Yourself

Pampering yourself is one of the best ways to divert your mind and thoughts from your loss. Go for a relaxing spa session or a massage and give your thoughts a break. Sometimes, things get clearer if you see them with a calm and composed mind and what better way to ponder over your life matters with a rejuvenating spa session.

Pamper Yourself

2. Plan A Trip

Gather some of your old college or school friends and plan a trip with them. Getting involved with a bunch of people will not only distract your constant thoughts but traveling to distant land will also keep you engaged. Whether you are a mountain person or a beach lover, seek peace and tranquillity on your vacation and make the most of your time.

Plan A Trip

3. Date Yourself

There is nothing better than treating yourself to good food music, good wine and a good dessert. Cook your favourite meal or order your favourite food and enjoy a date night with yourself. Play some good music, dance to the tunes and for a minute forget everything that is happening in your life and make yourself realise that everything will be alright.

Date Yourself

4. Work It Out

A regular one hour of a workout session is not only good for your body but also for your mind. Keep yourself mentally as well as physically fit and indulge in a regress workout session. You can also opt to go for running or be a part of powerful Zumba sessions. You can also practice yoga early in the morning regularly and help keep yourself stress-free and relaxed.

Work It Out

5. Indulge In Reading

Sometimes it is good to read and discover new thoughts and experiences to shape your life. Pick up any novel that interests you and read on to find the philosophies of life that the author believes in and it might help you in different ways. Not only will you get a different perspective to look at life but also an experienced one.

Indulge In Reading

6. Play A Sport

Start playing any sport that you love and keep yourself engaged. You can go out and play badminton, squash, tennis, cricket, football or any other sport. Playing will help you maintain your physical and mental health and also freshen up your mood everyday.

Play  A Sport

7. Appreciate Good Memories

Just like happiness, sorrow is inevitable but it is important that we look back at all the good memories and cherish them for a lifetime. You cannot simply reject all the good just because you have to deal with all the bad, but instead, be thankful for the beautiful moments of the past and believe that everything happens for a good reason.

Appreciate Good Memories

8. Forgive

If you are heartbroken because an old friend has left you or because you have been betrayed by a loved one, one of the most important things that you must do is to forgive. Forgiving someone does not mean that you condone with their hurtful behaviour and actions, but it means that you will eventually stop investing your time and emotions into a person.


9. Vent It Out

It is important for a broken heart to heal and recover and one of the best ways to do so is to vent out all your emotions. There is no harm in crying or expressing how you actually feel. Letting it all out will make you feel more relaxed and calmer.

Vent It Out

10. Take Your Time

Going through a heartbreak is not easy and no one can understand your pain and sorrow but you, so, take your time to heal and recover. It is always easy to advise but it is equally difficult to implement. Consider your actions and thoughts, gain some peace of mind and take as much time as you need to heal.

Take Your Time

Nobody can tell you with any degree of certainty how long it will take you to heal, but you can definitely heal a broken heart over time. In these tough times, keep the faith and keep a ganesh murti beside you for positive vibes. Also, consider these suggestions that will only act as a catalyst in the process but also convert this moment into an opportunity to learn more about your wants and needs.

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