How To Celebrate Anniversary-- 1st, 7th, 10th, and so on Creatively

Every anniversary is uniquely special, calling for a celebration. However, more often or not, couples and lovers end up with celebratory ideas like exchanging gifts, going on a romantic date, and feeding each other with a scrummy rich cake. Well, these are good old ways that will never bring displeasure to your significant other, but being creative in your expression and ideas can do great wonders than you have ever imagined.

ways to celebrate anniversary

We know you are curious to know about the quirky anniversary celebration ideas. Without wasting a second, let’s take a tour.

anniversary day with a palatable breakfast

Welcome the first ray of sunshine of your anniversary day with a palatable breakfast and soaking in the glory of sunrise with your husband before you set out to spend your entire day romantically.

If early morning celebrations aren’t a thing for you and your lover, then why not spend the day in the embrace of the comfort of the home? Celebrate your anniversary in a relaxing and chilling manner. Take time to pamper and enjoy each other’s company. When one of the partners is not around, sneak in the anniversary gifts, flowers, or cake for him or her. This is one of the best ways to honour your anniversary with a man or woman who loves to keep things low-key.

For couples who love to share their joy and seek blessings of their family and friends, here’s a fun-loving idea of celebrating anniversary with your family. Plan a small outdoor picnic or a get together to a beautiful place where all of you can laugh, play, and have a good time together. Do not forget to pack food and drinks. If you wish, you can give a romantic end to the day by having a candle-light dinner, going for a long drive, etc.

anniversary celebration in a relaxing and chilling manner

If your boyfriend is an adventure lover, then your question of how to celebrate the anniversary with a boyfriend has been answered perfectly. Plan an adventure date for him. Either you can visit his favourite amusement park and have a thrilling day or can organize tickets for a sport he badly wants to try like bungee jumping, hot air balloon ride, ziplining, and more such options.

Congratulations, you have crossed a decade together. Surely, a marriage of 10 years would not have been less than a roller coaster ride of infinite memories. So, why not take a walk down the memory lane. Starting from the day you met to the wedding day, relive all the moments that evoke a strong feeling of connection and appreciate the journey of togetherness, till date. To make it more special, you can give 10th-anniversary gifts, each of them symbolizing a moment.

The seventh anniversary is associated with copper and wool. So, plan your seventh wedding celebration ideas with your friend for your spouse or lover, around the copper theme. If your anniversary falls in the winter season, you knit a woolen for your husband or stuff a copper box with love notes. You can also repeat seven vows in a wedding setup, and so on.

Well, we wish for you that you are never alone on the day that means the world to you and your better-half. But, owing to reasons anyone of you can confront such a situation. In that case, here’s how to celebrate anniversary alone: spend a lovely time over a skype call, pamper yourself, send gifts, plan for a future date, etc.

Hope this anniversary celebration of yours turn out to be extraordinarily special.

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