How to Keep Your Relation Spicy After Marriage?

They say your life completely changes after getting married to the love of your life! It tends to become soo boring, gloomy and family-centered, that the couple who were once in love, don’t feel like they are even together with each other. Constantly, being procrastinated by the society or by the in-laws, their spark seems to have lost somewhere! So, what to do under such a dilemma? Don’t worry, we have got it covered for you! Here’s presenting a few relationship advice to spice up your marriage with your spouse!

spice up your marriage with your spouse

1. Do the sweet talk

Gone are your courtship days, so what? Talking like a lovey-dovey couple always helps to spice up boring relationship life. You can send some flirty texts or something like “I love you,” and “I miss you” to cheer up your partner and make him/her feel special. You can even appreciate his/her presence in your life or you can tease, a little, to make your partner blush! Shower some genuine compliments, which you know he/she would love to hear from you!

sweet talk

2. Go out as a couple

Rekindle your love life by spending some together (no one else just the two of you, like the old times). Go out, watch a movie, have dinner at your favourite restaurant and have a nice chat. As they say, “Sign of every healthy relationship is talking it out with your partner”. Talk about some common interests or sort out some of your personal issues that you both have been facing lately. The motto is simply to spend some quality time together, regularly. And not on anniversaries while pampering him/her with anniversary gifts!

Go out as a couple

3.Play the Dress up Game

Being well-groomed and to dress up for your partner can simply do the magic! So, all the ladies freshen up your hair and makeup. While, dear men, groom yourself up by a few notches to look dapper for your lady. Compliment each other, once you hit the street or have a home affair!

 the dress-up game

4. Get involved in each other’s life

Well, this will be one of the ideas to spice up marriage! Your partner would highly appreciate if you share every bit of your daily life. Sharing is truly the key to have a blissful marriage! Weird communication gaps and misunderstandings can result in absence of this habit. Also, if your partner is not in the mood to share something, at the very moment, don’t go too far in your desperation to check to mobile phone. Always remember, a good relationship should consist of both the factors - accountability and integrity of both the person!

involved in each other’s life

5. Intimacy is the key

Break the most stereotypical thought of maintaining a happy married life is difficult to carry on with your intimate life. Though it seems to be the most clichéd thing that you would hear about couples. But it tends to become a reality when the efforts of the couple seem to vanish! So, mix things up, talk about each other’s preferences and break boundaries of the comfort zone for each other to make your intimate life wildly exciting. Even if, you are not up for it, then try to fool around with one another by touching, cuddling and teasing! As per psychology, it tends to raise the flow of happy hormones in the blood, which eventually makes us feel happy!

teasing as a couple

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