How To Make A Birthday Cake For Father At Home?

Dad, father, daddy, papa - whatever you address him as is the greatest person in our lives. Many of us find our fathers to be the role models of our lives. He is someone of whom we were sometimes afraid of (especially when we were younger), someone we ask advice from, someone who basically has guided you through your life. Though Dad did not show his love directly to us and seldom expressed it, he always loves us deep inside. And, to show this affection, you must bake the perfect birthday cake for father.

One of the greatest pleasures of life is baking for the ones that matter the most. After all, birthdays are special occasions, worthy of a grand celebration with the best birthday cake for dad you can come up with! The best, of course, means a scrumptious cake with attractive icing and decorations, which the birthday boy will be proud to share with guests!

How to make a birthday cake for father at home

Rich chocolate birthday cake recipe

This rich flavoursome cake is the perfect dessert to celebrate your dad’s birthday with. Follow the step-by-step directions to bake this perfect dessert of all time!

Rich chocolate birthday cake recipe

Ingredients for the cake:

  • 200g plain flour
  • 200g caster sugar
  • 40 grams cocoa (the better the quality, the richer is your cake)
  • 5ml (approx 1 tsp baking powder)
  • 175 grams butter (Unsalted preferable)
  • 2 ml soda bicarbonate
  • 2 large-sized eggs
  • 175 ml sour cream
  • 10 ml vanilla essence


Bring all the ingredients, including the butter, to room temperature. Mix the flour, sugar, and the raising agent well in a bowl. Add the soft butter till the mixture turns creamy. To this mixture, add cocoa powder, sour cream, and eggs. Beat well, and add the vanilla drops in the end. Pour the batter into a greased baking tray. Bake the mixture at 356°F.

Check the cake if done with a knife. You can either bake the batter as one large cake or divide it into half for two cakes.


Icing preparation:

  • 80 grams of unsalted butter
  • 300 grams of icing sugar
  • 120 grams of sour cream
  • 175 grams of dark chocolate
  • 15ml of golden syrup
  • 5ml of vanilla essence
  • Icing preparation

    Frosting method:

    Before starting the process, melt the butter and chocolate together. Cool and add the golden syrup, sour cream, and vanilla essence. Mix this well. Blend icing sugar in a food processor to remove all the possible lumps. Add the icing sugar to the above mixture, or you can also pour the chocolate batter into the blender containing icing sugar for a smooth consistency.

    Cut the cake into two cakes and pour the icing batter in the center. If you have already baked the cake as two, you can place one on top of the other. Sandwich the icing between the two layers of cake, and also follow the same over the top of the cake and its sides. This requires a lot of patience and art. Sprinkle chocolate flakes on top for further decoration and leave the cake in the refrigerator to cool.

    Frosting method

    And Voila! You have baked and prepared the most delicious cake to wish your father on his birthday!

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