Know Everything About The Sanskari And Unsanskari Valentine's Day

As they say, February is the only month when love is in the air! Everyone follows the common tradition of exchanges roses, kisses, and hugs. Some couples go simple, some cross bridges in order to showcase their love while many take it to another naughty or as u say unsanskari level. Well, love remains the same, the intensity varies from people to people. Apparently, in India, nobody has kissed, but everyone has expertly broken the sanskari barriers and managed their way into the unsanskari ones. While Valentine’s week is all about chocolates and roses, it is the naughty doses that are celebrated deep underneath the sanskari cloak of tradition.

the common tradition of exchanging love in the naughtiest way

Here are a few of the distinguishing ways where one can know how sansakri things have taken a whole new unsanskari turn.

1.The Ritual

Talking a walk down the block with hands holding on to each other, finger clasping tightly, Valentine’s day is all about couples spending time with one another. The picture is still the same. However, instead of out in the open, lovebirds have gone indoors and are now face to face embracing each other romantically.

couples finger clasping tightly

2. The Surprise

Hunting down a nearby florist may seem like a task these days but rushing to the local pharmacy and surprising your mate with a better playtime and giving the ultimate climax is one of the best unsanskari thing happening these days!

surprising your mate with a better playtime

3.The Game

When love is all about warming hearts and seeking the best ways to say 143 in the best sanskari manner possible, the moment has gone a bit overboard and it now seeks a better positioning on the love scale, probably 69 and is also the perfect way to convey the sansakri ILU in a unsanskari manner.

best ways to say 143 in the best sanskari manner

4. The Gratifying Indulgence

Chocolates are no longer the only favorites of the women of the twentieth-first century. They are now craving for more. They want passionate wooing, want to relish the ecstasy of love, and least of all, there’s no sanskari substitute for any of these.

passionate wooing for the ecstasy of love

5. The Shopping

Valentine’s day shopping has always been finding the perfect gift for your beloved. Now each of us has become the surprise willing to be unwrapped by our paramour and thus, the couples go out shopping seeking the lingeries netted with sex-appeal and the boys further plan for the best date night his girl ever dreamed off.

 shopping and plan for the best date night

6. The Gazing

Love has always been about loving each other to the moon and back and promise each other nights full of stargazing and love talks. This eye to eye love has somewhat taken a modern turn and now the eye candy love has become the soul food. The nights are spent sexting, gazing the screens, sending pictures with doors closed and double locked.

nights full of love talks by sending pictures each other

7. The Lovers

The fairy tale no longer begins with a boy meets a girl and both of them falls in love. It can now begin with a girl meets a girl or even a boy meets a boy and fall in love. Rewriting the love laws, people have derived new equations as per their libido and are breaking the sanskari laws pleasurably.

The Lovers

8.The Relationships

The first kiss after a few days of dating leads to the rings on the fingers. Love has always been a tradition that had a few sacraments however, the unsanskarism has now laid clasped its hands around the lovers and have made them walk through the trials where they get to explore and find out what they really want from a relationship. The live-in relationships, friends with benefits, long distance have come in between the path of forever commitment and is growing deeper.

the first kiss turned into relationships

9.The Dinner

A day at the movies, gulping popcorns, eating big has a traditional ending with a date night dinner. It involved making bookings at the favorite restaurant a month before, picking your date, and impatiently waiting to go out with them. The dinner now has some change of plans and now the playroom is what the couples to go into. Exploring their cravings and getting high on love is what dinner has become.

Exploring the crave on love is what dinner has become

10.The Meaning

Probably the biggest thing that has led to the bifurcation of sanskari and unsanskari ways of love is the enormous change in the definition of love. Known to be selfless and giving, love has now become synonymous to so many unimaginable words such as lust, sex, pleasure, pain, loneliness, practical, entertaining etc.

 sanskari and unsanskari definition of love
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