Top 10 Plants - You Can't Kill

Having some hearty yet happy plants around us makes us feel alive. From helping us forget all our miseries to blessing us with their innate properties, plants have outdone themselves in every possible way. We sometimes have a hard time nurturing them. Honestly, they are worth every effort which at present you may or may not realise. But soon when they bless you with their innate properties you surely will do. Most of us love plants, but let’s be honest who has got all the time in the world to juggle around with some work commitments and them, right? Here’s what you can do. You can still choose to beautify your home sweet home with some hard to kill plants. These hard plants don't require much care or your attention. They aren’t drought or even frost intolerant. You can choose to shop for these plants online as well as offline at some nursery. We know you are eager to know the names of these indoor plants that are hard to kill, hence we present you with a list of these category plants. Some of these plants are classified as air purifier plants online whereas some others as Fengshui, ornamental as well as outdoor plants.

Top 10 Plants - You Can't Kill

1. Daylily -

If you are looking for a flowering plant for your outdoors, then this is a perfect choice. These plants are sure to beautify your space and are highly drought, flood and erosion tolerant. Daylily flowers come in every colour other than blue and pure white. The unique trumpets of these blooms coming in triangular, circular, double, star shaped and spidery is what grabs the attention of all plant lovers.


2. Hens and Chicks -

Perfect for rock gardens, this perennial succulent can only be killed by overwatering them. In summers, these beautiful flowering plants grow upto 3 to 6 inches tall and up to 20 inches wide. Let the plant receive full sun to light shade and make sure to plant in well-drained soil.

Hens and Chicks

3. Hosta -

One of the easiest plants to grow in shade has to be hosta. This flowering plant comes in varieties ranging from its sizes, shapes, colours of flowers and more. Most hosta blooms are purple, white or lavender. Hostas love moist soil but be careful you don’t end up overwatering them.


4. Yarrow -

Plant these floral beauties when summer is about to approach you. Yarrows come in yellow, white, red and pink and are about 6 inches to 4 feet tall and 18 to 24 inches wide. It is one of those flowering plants that is well suited to be grown in any kind of soil and it has a long blooming season when compared with other such flowering plant species.


5. Coneflower -

Known for its easy going nature, coneflowers have become a garden staple lately. They need well drained soil to thrive and do well in full sun as well as in partial shade. These flowers tend to attract all kinds of garden friends including butterflies, bees and birds.


6. Cosmos -

Goes by the scientific name, Cosmos bipinnatus, cosmos are known for their big and beautiful flowers. Even after being a perennial plant, it reseeds itself on its own. It makes everyone’s backyard favorite from summer to frost.


7. Sedum -

Quite similar to pentas, sedum flowers tend to grow in yellow, orange, red, pink or white colours. Some tend to make great border plants whereas some others tend to ground cover plants. Sedum plants usually grow from 2 inches up to 2 feet high and wide.


8. Zinnia -

Zinnia plants are too good to be true as they are drought, flood as well as disease resistant. They grow up to 3 feet high. And their blooms last until the first frost.


9. Petunia -

There are many hybrids made available for this flowering plant. Earlier petunias were said to be disease prone and deadheading. But not anymore. Petunias can flourish both in full sun as well as partial sunlight.


10. Yucca -

Looking for a backyard centerpiece? This flower will be perfect for you, then. Yuccas are drought tolerant and come with white flowers and spiky leaves which tends to attract everyone. Its blue green leaves with white detailing on its edges is what makes it breathtakingly gorgeous.


So, now that you know some hard to kill plants, surround yourself around them as you choose to plant them in your garden, backyard, roof or some indoor spaces.

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