Surprise Gifts For Husband On A Weeklong Birthday Celebration

Birthdays come each year and even though we grow old each time we celebrate a birthday, we love it to our core and wait honestly for it the entire year. But doesn't it seem unfair that for a day of 24 hours, we wait for almost 364 days so that we can have one night celebrating everything? Celebrating a loved one's birthday is a serene experience but the last one hour we know all of it is going to come to normal and you won't be a birthday boy//girl is a sad encounter. While birthdays are a topic of conversation, we can do everything in our power for our loved ones. Also because they are the ones that surprise us later and this way they at least have an idea of what you expect too. Today we will specifically talk about birthday surprise for husband that include parties, solo expeditions, birthday gift for husband and more. The only person that you would not want to miss your birthday is your better half and vice versa. We hope to make a great day of his birthday and we hope he does the same for you next time. The twist in the conversation is that this time his birthday won't just last for a day but we will help you plan an entire week with everything that includes from bashes to celebrations to silence on weekends so that his birthday can be celebrated the right way.

Surprise Gifts For Husband On A Weeklong Birthday Celebration

● Solo trip

A solo trip is everyone's dream but it is quite a notion that after marriage men are not really allowed to do what they like and constrained by their wives. Break this notion and send your husband on a solo trip or with his friends as he pleases, to a location not much far away but still closer to mountains and rivers where he can find himself again and relive the days he once admired.

Solo trip

● Couple trip

If you two don't need anyone else then the two of you can go on a trip together. Places on the outskirts of your city are the best to go for a small trip so that you can be back for the day of your birthday and celebrate the rest with your complete family. You can also surprise him with this trip with tickets in his laptop bag or under his lunch plate to make it more exciting.

● Surprise visit

The week his birthday arrives you should start 7 days before his actual birthday. The day you decide to begin the bonanza for his birthday, pick him upright from his office and make a surprise visit. He will be startled to see that for the first time he has been picked up and not the other way around. From there take him for the trip straight away or take him for a quiet dinner at a fancy restaurant as you might please.

Surprise visit

● Age number of presents

However old he has grown or should I say however new, he has rejuvenated this year, give him a number of presents equal to that number. Make a hamper with everything that you think he may want and give him the presents one by one. You can also start giving him the presents one day each, counting the number of days before the birthday and the number of presents that are lined up.

● Basket of wish list presents

Now that you are together there are no formalities when you have to guess the perfect gift and also make a peaceful impression in front of your partner. You two are comfortable enough to tell your partner what are the things you need and this way you can both save some time and money and pick up the best of things your partner needs.

Basket of wish list presents

● Costly watch

Your husband works in a corporate where he has to look dashing every day or even if he is a businessman that goes and pays a visit at his business location for just a few hours a fancy watch is a need. If he is not willing to spend that handsome amount himself, you can do it. A Fitbit, an Apple watch, a sleek Titan or the newest one that comes in the market can be your choice.

Birthday gift watch for husband

● Wardrobe of shoes

Men like their shoes to be polished and new every day but it is also the reality that somewhere down the line they often forget to please this need of themselves. Gift your husband a wardrobe of shoes including formal, casual, party wear, sports and all other looks that he may prefer for himself.

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