The Ultimate Tomato Soup Cake Recipe

Yes! You read that right. We are going to talk about “Tomato Soup Cake”. A cake that is surely going to soothe your soul! A cake that will take your taste buds to a whole new level! A cake that at first might sound boring to you, but when you will actually bake and try it, it’s going to be surely one of the best delicious cakes you ever had! The ultimate cake has a whole can of tomato soup baked into it. It is delectable, moist, and has a somewhat spicy flavour. So, without any further ado, let’s get started with this tomato soup cake recipe.

Tomato Soup Cake Recipe


• 1 ½ cups all-purpose flour

• 300 gm canned tomato soup

• ¼ cup butter (softened)

• 1 egg

• 1 cup sugar

• 2 tsp pumpkin spice

• 1 cup raisins

• 1 ¼ tsp baking soda

• ¼ tsp salt

• ½ tsp baking powder


• Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Coat the container with cooking spray, and set aside.

• Now let's jump on the main procedure. Take a bowl, pour in the tomato soup and add the baking soda to it. Whisk gently and set it aside.

• The baking soda will react with the acid in the soup. So, make sure the bowl you choose is big enough to hold the foaming.

• Now take butter and sugar in a bowl and blend them together with a hand blender until they get all light and fluffy.

• Then add egg to the mix and blend to incorporate.

• Next step is to pour in the tomato soup and blend into the butter and sugar mixture

• Now, add the flour, pumpkin spice, baking powder, and salt. Mix until just incorporated.

• Keep in mind that not to overmix the batter.

• Then add the raisins and fold it in the mixture with a rubber spatula.

• Pour the cake batter into the prepared container. Tap the container filled with batter firmly onto your kitchen counter to ensure that there are no air bubbles left inside the batter.

• Bake for 50 minutes, but do keep a check on it. To check take a tooth pick and insert it in the centre of the cake if it comes out clean then the cake is ready.

• Take it out of the oven and allow it to cool for 10 minutes. Then turn the container upside down and take out the cake onto a wire cooling rack to finish cooling.

• Yummy Tomato soup cake is ready to amuse your loved ones . To serve, dust it with some powdered sugar.

Tomato Soup Cake

So, that’s your answer to how to make tomato soup cake? You can easily make the delicious tomato soup cake by following the recipe mentioned above. If that’s a lot for you, then you can order cake online from a reliable bakery and can enjoy the delectable cakes! Happy eating! Happy baking!

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