Top 5 Mobile Apps to Keep you Close with your Family and Friends

Life is no doubt very unpredictable. One moment there is a sudden rush of happiness, whereas just the other moment you start wondering where did all of the happiness, that you were blessed with disappeared all of a sudden. Well, that’s life - a phase full of uncertainties, that one is expected to experience and live along with it. The worst part about these uncertainties is we tend to get drifted apart from our loved ones. In times like curfew or lockdown scenarios, we happen to be in a long-distance relationship with our loved ones, be it with our families and friends. And as we all know, the gift of some quality time is like the best gift for mother, father, siblings and other such people, who matters to us, we cannot compromise on that. So, here are a few apps to keep family connected even amidst the chaos of lockdown situations.

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Top 5 mobile Apps to Connect with your Family and Friends

1. Skype

Skype is one of those family apps which help people to bring closer to their families, virtually. It is one such app which allows one to talk with another for hours and hours, one-on-one or in a group. All one needs is a stable internet connection on your phone or your computer and you are good to go! What’s more? It helps to connect with over 50 people at a time.


2. WhatsApp

In today’s generation, WhatsApp is not just an application but a necessity. It has been made available over Google Play store - that too, free of cost. All you need is a decent internet connection in your handset and you can call, text or even video call via this mobile app.


3. Zoom

Among all the other apps for family, Zoom app is a newbie. Quite similar to any other video calling mobile application, this application was founded in 2011 and found a new surge of popularity as people searched for some of the best apps to stay connected with their friends and families. Its utility across various corporate firms has made the work from home scenario possible during the quarantine period. As participants over this app can interact with each other in large groups, it is said to be one of the best video calling apps to date. You can share the screen, mute your audio as well as video (if not confident enough of flaunting your pretty face) and also can hold meetings online with the help of this mobile app.


4. Houseparty

Looking for a social mobile app which will let you connect with your friends through video and audio? Then, Houseparty is it! You can even chat with your friends over this app or even spend some time together chilling by playing some thrilling in-app games. All you have to do is plan a virtual meetup over the app and login at the same time and you are ready to say adios to boredom. Also, you can keep track of when your family/friends have logged into this app as the application notifies one every time with the “in the house” notification. Isn’t it just amazing?


5. Google Duo

In order to bring us face-to-face with the people who matter most, Google even came up with its efficient application called Duo. It’s simple, reliable and works across all android, ios devices which is what makes it by far the best video and voice call app. All that one needs is a stable internet connection, a Gmail account and you are good to go! Over this app, you can chat with 12 different family members of yours, simultaneously.

Google Duo

So, these were the top 5 mobile apps to keep you close with your family and friends as you switch your self-quarantine mode on. What are you waiting for? Install any of these apps and become Mr/Ms social butterfly of your family. Forget all your lockdown blues and get ready to giggle around with your bunch of people.

Happy bonding times ahead to you!

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