5 Ways to Improve Indoor Air Quality

Low indoor air quality in your home and office can have a big effect on your mood, daily routine, and your health! As we all are aware about the number of factors that affect the air quality like increasing pollution, poor building materials, harmful emissions from different appliances, etc., it’s time for us to do something about it. But the question is how to purify the air in home? There are many proven ways to do so. Firstly, you need to identify how much air quality is affected. To do so, you can test it with various cheap gadgets available online. The gadgets will display the temperature, humidity and the air quality index. Once you test and see the deteriorating air quality index, get on with the list below to see the top ways to improve the air quality.

Ways to Improve Indoor Air Quality

Proper Ventilation

Airflow is important for great indoor air quality. Getting airflow through your home will remove toxic air and revive the inside air. One way to do so is to just open the windows and doors of your home to improve the indoor air quality. Obviously, if you live in a metro city, the air outside may be extremely toxic and polluted. For this situation, open the doors and windows during early morning or when the traffic on the streets is minimum.

Proper Ventilation

Bring in Air Purifying Plants

Plants are actually known for their amazing air purifying properties. NASA recommended plants such as Peace Lily, Snake Plant, English Ivy, Spider Plant, Money Plant, and many more can remove harmful toxins from the air like xylene, formaldehyde, benzene, trichloroethylene, carbon monoxide, etc. Also, bringing in greenery has a positive effect on health and mind as well. You can buy these air purifying indoor plants online to improve the air quality.

Bring in Air Purifying Plants

Maintain Humidity

Keeping a healthy level of humidity inside the house also helps in improving the air quality. Mold and dust mites love moisture. Keeping humidity around 30% to 50% helps keep such allergens under control. A dehumidifier decreases the humidity in indoor air and adequately controls allergens. An AC likewise decreases indoor dust count by removing the dust particles from the air making it easier for you to breathe.

Maintain Humidity

Keep Beeswax Candles

These are the perfect air purifiers as they release negative ions. Dust, pollen, toxins, dirt, and some other particles in the air have a positive charge, so when a beeswax candle lights up, the negative particles discharged into the air cause these positive charged particles to be sucked into the candles. This negative particle air charging is the manner in which many air purifiers work. Also, the candles will create an amazing ambience in your house.

Keep Beeswax Candles

Keep your Sheets, Walls, and Clothes Clean

Durst particles are the main source of poor air quality. They can cause irritation for your nose and throat leaving you feeling lethargic and tired. Dust particles often sit on the cushions, walls, clothes, sofas, etc. It is necessary that you clean these things from time to time with vacuum cleaners or dry soaps. Also, make sure that if you have any pets, keep them off your sofas and beds to minimise the build-up hair.

Keep your Sheets, Walls, and Clothes Clean

Indoor irritants, toxins, and allergens are increasingly common these days and should be removed from the air to improve the indoor air quality. All the mentioned ways above are guaranteed to produce excellent results. Incorporate these ideas into your indoor space and breathe fresh air.

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