What Not To Gift Your Sister on Raksha Bandhan

Raksha Bandhan is an emotional and important festival, a day dedicated solely to the bond between siblings. No one loves a sister more than her brother. No matter how much they fight or even drive each other crazy when the need arises, a brother is always there to stand by his sisters’ side, supporting her. Every brother is excited to celebrate the day by teasing and loving his sister. We know you want to get the perfect present for your sister, and the excitement you feel is adorable, but sometimes one gets carried away and ends up gifting something you are not supposed to. This may happen because you may get the wrong present, because of the things that present symbolizes or just a present you think is “funny”. No need to worry; we are here to save you with our list of what not to gift your sister on Raksha Bandhan. Read carefully:

What not to gift your sister on Raksha Bandhan

Things she is not into

Every individual is different, has their own likes and preferences. It is wrong on our part to prejudice anyone’s choices and likes based on their gender, and you should refrain from doing that too. Just because she is a girl doesn’t mean she loves all the girly stuff. Talk to her and understand her choice and decide on a gift accordingly.

Things she is not into


Gloves are surrounded by a lot of superstitious beliefs around the world. Gloves as a gift are considered to bring bad luck to the receiver. It is believed that you should not give gloves or mittens as a gift, but if you must, then you should take something small in return to cancel out the bad luck. Therefore please do not give your sister gloves as they symbolise everything terrible.


Empty bag or wallet

In some cultures, it is believed that an empty bag or wallet signifies a lack of prosperity and wealth. That is why it is considered rude to give someone an empty purse. It is also said that giving an empty wallet means that you are handing your poverty to the receiver. Therefore you must put something in the wallet to turn it into a great present, plus it is considered as a sweet gesture.


Any insect or reptile, living or toy

It is a big no! It doesn’t matter if it's funny or creative or fun. Scaring someone in the name of humor is plain wrong and insensitive. A little teasing and fighting are all cool and fun but spoiling someone’s day, is not good. Hence do not do something to make her sad on this special day.


A Putting down or Self Help Gift

How amazing it sounds to give something they need, like a gym membership? That is the most inappropriate gift you can give to her. Until and unless she says that is what she wants, do not go out and get her something that puts her down. Don't make her realise that she needs to lose something in order to be loved. Self-help books seem great but reminding someone that they look like they are going through tough times is rude.


Gifting is tricky, but if done right, it can bring you closer to your sister. Make this experience great with same day rakhi delivery, Happy Raksha Bandhan!

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