Why Kids Do Better With A Father Figure In Their Lives

Father’s are often mistaken to be emotionally disconnected, and considered to be the second best, next to moms when it comes to parenting. It is true that most of the fathers leave things upon our moms, when it is about raising the kids and taking care of everything they want like changing their diapers when a child is infant for they think that mothers can take care of a kid way better than them and they want the best for their kids, which certainly does not mean that they are secondary or do not have emotions. Though a mother’s love is important and special, having an active father figure plays an equally important role in the development of a child.

From taking care of their needs of comfort to supporting them in everything they wish to do, fathers play a major role in a child’s life and therefore the father's day gift from kids should also be a special one.

fathers day gifts online

Here is how a father figure can play an important role in the development of a child and therefore you must find some of the best fathers day gifts online to thank him for all he has done for us.

1. Increase Intellect:-

A father can help increase your child’s emotional intelligence and capabilities of solving problems. Studies show that children whose fathers are actively involved especially in the first year of the child are the ones who perform better on cognitive development assessments and also show an increased capacity of curiosity and exploration.

 father's day gift from kids

These children also tend to score higher in verbal and math tests and are more focused on their academic career rather than dropping out of school or committing juvenile crimes.

2. Boost Confidence:-

The emotional and mental support provided by fathers to their children is a priceless gift. Children with supportive fathers who make their kids understand how much they love them and are valued are the ones who have a higher self-esteem and confidence.

 father's day gift from daughter

These children seem to be happier and also tend to develop a greater tolerance for stress, frustration, fear and an increased ability to resist peer pressure and to stand up for themselves.

3. Provide A Perspective:-

Often children are full of questions and both mothers and fathers find a different way to approach these questions.

 father's day gift ideas from kids

With different perspectives of both the parents, a child tends to understand the response of each of his parents in different ways and might find more ways in which the problem can be resolved and therefore have their own opinion and perspective on things. Fathers not only help in bringing forward a different idea of the same situation but also teach their kids valuable life skills that definitely helps them in the long run.

4. Someone To Back You:-

Fathers play a positive male role in the life of their kids and thus help them differentiate between good and bad and also help them promote good behaviour.

 Someone To Back You

This helps the children to deal with behavioral and impulse control problems, longer attention spans and a higher level of sociability. Children who are more involved with their fathers are more compassionate and generous and have increased awareness of their needs and rights.

5. Feeling Of Being Loved:-

Having a father makes you feel loved and emotionally connected as dads are a steady source of encouragement, that helps ensure that a child is growing healthy and happy and of course with high self-esteem.

Well, a father is your rescue system when you want to run away from your mother’s scolding and therefore father’s deserve a gift from daughters as well as sons for constantly supporting them throughout.

 Feeling Of Being Loved on fathers day

Well, such is the importance of dad in our life that we cannot think of a life without their constant support, encouragement and love. Father’s Day is just round the corner and you ought to make it a memorable one with Fathers Day gift from son and daughter that will make him feel special.

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