World Autism Day - Celebrate with Gifts

World Autism Day, the 2nd April, is just around the corner, and most of us have no thought of celebrating it. Even most people don’t know that there is a day for autism awareness. With this write-up, we are doing our bit to spread awareness with an idea of celebrating the day with gifts. But first, some basic information...

What is Autism?

Autism, medically known as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), because its symptoms appear in diverse combinations that affect children in different ways. It is a neurological developmental disability that hampers healthy brain development, affecting communication, social interaction, cognition, and behaviour.

How and when World Autism Awareness Day started?

On November 1, 2007, the United Nations (UN) called for a day to be celebrated as World Autism Awareness Day every year. On December 18, 2007, the UN General Assembly named April 2 for the same and hence the first World Autism Awareness Day was celebrated on April 2, 2008.

World Autism Day - Celebrate with Gifts

What is the Motive of Autism Awareness Day?

To encourage the Member States of the United Nations and the world to take measures to raise awareness about people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

Do you remember Ishaan from Taare Zameen Par? Yes, that special child character with Autism. The movie beautifully depicted how we should behave with autistic people and how love and care can do wonders for them.

So, this April 2, Autism Awareness Day, it’s your turn to play the part of Ram Shankar Nikumbh (a character played by Aamir Khan in Taare Zameen Par) and to be a hero. And below are some gifts that you can use as your props...

Gifts For Kids with Autism

Educational Toys and Games

Kids with autism are likely to learn faster and effectively by visuals and by touch rather than theoretical study. Gifting interactive and educational toys and games such as block puzzles, sound puzzles, and abacus will help them as these will keep them entertained throughout the learning process.

Educational Toys and Games


Children with autism spectrum disorder have a great ability to remember details. And it also found that autistic kids enjoy rhyming and repetitions used in the books. For smaller ones, you can opt to gift colourful books full of poems and cartoons. And older children enjoy books of specific subjects.



Everybody loves to eat! On World Autism Day, treat autistic kids with some delicious cupcakes because happiness is just a cupcake away. Chocolate flavoured cupcakes will go best for the boys whereas strawberry flavoured cupcakes are one of the best gifts for girls. Believe us; the kids won’t stop smiling.


Gifts For Teenagers

Video Games

While parents around the world think that video games are such a waste of time, parents of children with autism believe that video games help their children to develop focus and thinking abilities. It means by giving them video games; you are helping them to grow.

Video Games

DSLR Camera

It may take a toll on your pocket, but the smile you will see on the face of the recipient will be all worthy. A DSLR camera can develop a hobby of clicking pictures, and autistic teenagers surely love to do creative things. Maybe the hobby will turn into a passion and profession one day.

DSLR Camera

Minion Buddy Mug

On World Autism Day, take an oath to be a best friend of an autistic teenager. Only if you have seen the minion series, you know that apart from laughs, minions taught us friendship and the true meaning of being buddies. Start your friendship with this Minion Mug printed with a message “You are my best friend”.

Minion Buddy Mug

Gifts for Adults with Autism

Weighted Blanket

Why? Because a weighted blanket helps to reduce stress. It helps also reduce more faster. People with Autism Spectrum Disorder find it difficult to have a proper sleep, and that’s where weighted blankets prove their worth as a gift. Buy one precisely!

Weighted Blanket

Personalized Photo Frame

A personalized gift such as a photo frame injects immense happiness into the recipient. You can get the name or the first letter of the name engraved on a wooden frame. This gift is sure to make the person smile. As we told you in the starting, Love and care works best for people with autism.

Personalized Photo Frame


The Cake is the gift which tickles the taste buds! Surprise the autistic adult with a scrumptious cake and enjoy it together. It will be great if you know the preference of the person you want to surprise. And if not, then a delicious chocolate cake will do the task!


Over and above, spending a quality time full of fun and joy is the best gift for those having Autism Spectrum Disorder. That was our bit of spreading awareness for World Autism Awareness Day. See you soon, folks!

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