10 Essential Things Every Pregnant Woman Should Know While Fasting for Karwa Chauth

Karwa Chauth is more than just a festival. It's a belief that every wife would want to be true for her husband. Right? So, if you too want to observe the Karwa Chauth fast this year but you are pregnant, fret not because it's not only you but several other women who are going to do the same. However, you have to be a little careful while keeping the Karwa Chauth fast as it should not affect your and your baby's health.

Couple Feels While Celebrating Karwa Chauth

That's why we are here to suggest you a list of 10 essential things that every pregnant woman should know while fasting for Karwa Chauth:

1. Say ‘NO’ to no-food and no-water fast.

Don’t go for a complete no-food and no-water fast as it is not recommended during pregnancy. So, if you are keeping the Karwa Chauth fast while you are pregnant, be ready to make some alterations this year.

2. A Proper Sargi with A Glass Of Milk

Before beginning the fast, while you have your sargi, don’t forget to complete it with a big glass of milk for it will give you the desired energy to do the fast without any fatigue.

3. Fruits And Juices Every Two Hours

Even though you have had proper sargi and milk, don’t forget to revitalize your energy by having fruits and juices every two hours.

4. Drink Plenty And Plenty Of Water

For moms-to-be who are keeping the Karwa Chauth fast, hydration is very important. So, if you are pregnant, prefer drinking coconut water while fasting for Karwa Chauth.

5. Break Your Fast With Healthy Food

Refrain from eating fat-rich foods with excessive sugar and salt while breaking your Karwa Chauth fast to avoid hypertension and gestational diabetes.

6. Don’t Panic Over Nausea, Headache

Since you are pregnant, you may or may not feel nausea or headache or dizziness despite eating fruits and drinking water. But, know that it’s completely normal. However, don’t hesitate to break your fast immediately if you think its unbearable.

7. Try To Keep Your Mind Diverted

It’s very important to keep yourself busy and your mind diverted so that you don’t think about the fast much or else, you might suffer from severe hunger pangs.

8. Have Enough Sleep And Rest

The baby wants what it wants, and as a mother, it’s your priority, and responsibility to take care of the yet to be born child. So, have enough sleep, and rest if you are fasting on Karwa Chauth. Also, don’t overexert your body.

9. Don’t Clad Yourself In Heavy Accessories.

As you would also want to dress up in a heavy saree and accessorize up with a heavy jewellery, make some alterations if you are pregnant. Just prefer wearing something comfortable to avoid any hassle.

10. Above All, Consult A Gynaecologist

Before you take a decision to observe karwa Chauth fast this year, seek your gynae’s guidance because she is the right person to tell you whether you should keep the fast or not while you are pregnant.

Now that you have taken a note on things that every pregnant woman should keep in mind while observing the Karwa Chauth fast don't forget to pass on the information further with your loved ones.

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