10 Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate

Eating dark chocolate is fun, and knowing dark chocolate benefits will multiply this fun with thousands. Every bite from dark chocolate does a lot of good things to our body and keeps us on a healthy track in a delicious way.

We know you won’t mind knowing some of the health benefits of dark chocolate, and so here are some:

10 Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate

1. Dark Chocolate Can Keep Depression At Bay -

Theobromine is a component found in dark chocolate that lowers blood pressure when consumed and provides a bit of energy. Whereas anandamide and phenylethylamine also help in providing a boost to mood and energy.

Dark Chocolate Can Keep Depression

2. Dark Chocolate Helps In Preventing Cardiovascular Diseases -

Consuming cocoa on a frequent basis and in preferred amounts can help your body to fight and prevent cardiovascular diseases. And dark chocolate does by affecting the cardiovascular system positively.

Dark Chocolate Helps In Preventing Cardiovascular Diseases

3. Dark Chocolate Is Helpful Against Diabetes -

Low-sugar dark chocolate has been shown to improve endothelial function and insulin resistance. The endothelium is important for arterial health and insulin resistance is a static to know about the development of future diseases such as diabetes.

Dark Chocolate Is Helpful Against Diabetes

4. Dark Chocolate Can Also Help In Preventing Stroke -

Studies done for such tests may not directly link consuming dark chocolate and stroke prevention but they always show that people who consume dark chocolate more have faced fewer strokes than people who don’t.

Dark Chocolate Can Also Help In Preventing Stroke

5. Dark Chocolate Is A Remedy For Cough Too -

Activation of the Vagus nerve, the part of our brain, causes coughing fits. Theobromine presented in dark chocolate is effective in antagonizing the activity of the vagus nerve leading to the control of cough problems.

Dark Chocolate Is A Remedy For Cough Too

6. Dark Chocolate Is Good For A Pregnant Lady -

Many mothers-to-be face a problem of preeclampsia which means the restricted blood supply to the fetus. The consumption of dark chocolate improves blood flow to the fetus and hence improvement in fetal growth.

Dark Chocolate Is Good For A Pregnant Lady

7. Dark Chocolate Boosts Brain Function Also -

Consuming high-quality dark chocolate in a high quantity can improve cognitive processing, visual-spatial awareness, abstract reasoning, scanning, and working memory. So, who doesn't wish to have this benefit of dark chocolate?

Dark Chocolate Boosts Brain Function

8. Dark Chocolate Provides Antioxidants -

One of the easily proven health benefits of consuming dark chocolate is that it is a very rich source of antioxidants. Dark chocolate contains polyphenols, flavonols, and catechins, and even theobromine acts as antioxidants.

Dark Chocolate Provides Antioxidants

9. Dark chocolate Provides Protection From Sun -

Having skin problems due to exposure to sunlight is such an issue to resolve. Those who have sun-sensitive skin can benefit themselves by consuming 85 percent dark chocolate. Consumption of cocoa beans available at food stores is more effective.

Dark chocolate Provides Protection From Sun

10. Dark Chocolate Is A Nutritious Treat -

It tastes good and it delivers well! Dark chocolate doesn't just please taste buds but also keeps a check on our health. Riboflavin, Niacin, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Zinc, Copper, Manganese, Omega-6 fatty acids, Caffeine, and Theobromine are the nutrients you get with every bite of dark chocolate.

Dark Chocolate Is A Nutritious Treat

Keep eating dark chocolate to stay healthy! You can bless your dear ones with health too by gifting them a chocolate bouquet!

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