Unique Culturally-Rooted Christmas Tree Traditions Around The World

“City sidewalks,
Busy sidewalks,
Dressed in holiday style,
In the air,
There's a feeling
Of Christmas..."

Yes, it is again that time of the year when we wait eagerly to spread the Christmassy vibes to all our loved ones. The season of love, the season of giving, the season that gives us many reasons to rejoice, the season to spread love and happiness to all and the season of perpetual hope is what makes Christmas, the jolliest festival ever. From decorating Christmas trees as per different Christmas tree traditions, to pampering everyone around with Christmas gifts, to spending some quality family time over watching movies, relishing pies over mulled wine, playing games, visiting Church to witness the Christmas processions and to hear out Christmas carols encore. Christmas is absolutely everyone’s favourite festival since the very childhood days. And to add an element of grandeur to the Christmas tree traditions around the world, we have curated an exemplary list of unique culturally rooted examples.

Unique Culturally-Rooted Christmas Tree Traditions Around The World

.In the words of Tom Janson….Christmas always rustled. It rustled every time, mysteriously, with silver and gold paper, tissue paper and a rich abundance of shiny paper, decorating and hiding everything and giving a feeling of reckless extravagance. And if we are talking about Christmas decorations, then we have to talk about Christmas tree decorations in specific. From decorating it with stars, fairy lights, bells, gifts, mistletoe and other shiny, glossy materials to choosing a perfect theme for the tree, everyone wants their Christmas tree to be decorated in the most creative and beautiful manner. But ever wondered what could be the Christmas tree history? It is said that to initiate the use of evergreens in ancient Egypt and Rome and to continue the German tradition of candlelit Christmas trees, America in the 1800s brought the concept of Christmas trees. As Christmas was seen to be a very happy, holy kind of festival, everyone believed that evergreen trees would keep witches, ghosts, evil spirits, and illnesses at bay.

But, interestingly as five fingers in your hand are different, so are the different traditions that are attached with Christmas tree across the world. Below, we have listed a few.

1. Spreading Fruity Happiness - France

In France, people use edible items like fruits and apples in specific to decorate their Christmas trees. This tradition of Christmas tree decoration came to an end when people of France witnessed an unfortunate event of bad harvest. Due to which, the decorations have replaced from the use of real fruits to glass ornaments. Holding a strong religious belief with the Garden of Eden, French people used to use red apple or red coloured fruits to decorate their tree.

Christmas tree traditions

2. Candlelight Christmas Delight - Germany

Germans are quite orthodox when it comes to following Christmas traditions. One such tradition is that in which Germans use real candles to decorate their Christmas trees. This interesting tradition was started in the 16th century by Martin Luther King to recreate the concept of having a starry Christmassy night. As most people saw this to be a very appealing idea, some others considered it to be stupid to play with fire. So, it replaced it with electric fairy lights.

Christmas tree traditions

3. Celebrate Christmas Over Cobwebs - Ukraine

People of this country origin tend to be more connected with the idea of Halloween than with the festive vibes of Christmas. Probably, that is the reason people of Ukraine decorate their Christmas trees with glittery spiderwebs and spiders. As per some folklore, it said that these spiderwebs turn into gold in the morning of Christmas which represents good luck.

Celebrate Christmas Over Cobwebs- UKRAINE

4.Topped Up With Popcorn - USA

From the concept of having outdoor Christmas trees that would act as food for birds and other creatures, people of the USA decorate their Christmas trees with strings of popcorns. Till date, many American families tend to follow this Christmas tree tradition of the 50s and 60s

Topped Up With Popcorn- USA

5. Summery Appeal - Australia

While for the rest of the world, Christmas comes when the winter is coming. But, for people of Australia, Christmas comes in the month of summer. So, to reflect this unique climatic condition of their country, people of Australia decorate their trees with shell decorations, giving their trees hitting the beach vibes.

 Summery Appeal- Australia

6. A Night of Holiday Horrors - Austria

In parts of Austria, December 5th marks Krampusnacht, a unique and intriguing Christmas tradition. On this night, revellers dress up as Krampus, a horned, demonic figure, and roam the streets to scare misbehaving children. It's a quirky and chilling twist on the festive season, and you won't find a Krampus-themed Christmas gift online easily! This darkly festive event often features parades and festivities, offering a fascinating contrast to the usual holiday cheer.

A Night of Holiday Horrors - Austria

7. La Befana, the Festive Witch - Italy

In Italy, the tradition of La Befana takes place on January 6th, the Epiphany. La Befana is an old woman who flies on a broomstick, delivering gifts and sweets to well-behaved children and coal to the naughty ones. It's a unique twist on gift-giving, and you won't be able to buy Christmas flowers La Befana's in a typical online store. This centuries-old tradition adds an enchanting touch to Italy's holiday celebrations, combining folklore, merriment, and the spirit of giving.

Christmas tree traditions

Wrapping Up: Christmas tree decorating traditions

These were only a few Christmas tree traditions that have been derived from age-old practices, traditions, customs, and folktales. The diversity of customs across the globe reflects the rich tapestry of our world's cultural heritage. As we celebrate the season, we discover that Christmas tree decorating traditions go beyond baubles and lights; they tell stories, transmit values, and strengthen bonds. Whether it's spreading fruity happiness in France, or experiencing summery appeal in Australia, each tradition forms a unique branch on the global Christmas tree, reminding us of the beauty of unity in diversity.

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