First Father's Day Celebration Ideas for New Dad

So, new dad, you want to know how you can bond with your new baby on this father's day and make it a memorable experience for the both of you? That is great and it is the first step in your new life with your infant. Closeness and tenderness with your child is rewarding for your baby and you will discover how much being a caregiver does for you. Slow down, relax and enjoy the company of your new baby on the very first father's day as a new dad.

 Father's Day Celebration Ideas for New Dad

Here are nine ways for new dads to bond with their baby and create some picture worthy moment on father's day:

1. Take Over Some Feedings

Do not let this powerful moment of bonding go by you. In infants, the focal-point of their eyes is about the distance from an adult's chest to their face. Amazing how nature worked that out. Dads- grab the bottle (formula or breast milk) for these moments. When solid food comes along, grab the spoon and go at the feeding. Wear an old shirt if you are worried about the mess. But, this is a proven bonding experience for both new father's and their little ones. And, what can be a better day to start this than father's day?

 Take over some feedings

2. Be a Part Of Baby Care

Diaper changing makes some men cringe. Do not panic: it's only poop and it washes off. You can have your wife assist you and that way you get to have a family shared experience!

 Be a part of baby care

3. Take Your Baby Out

Pack up the baby-bag, strap the kid into the car seat and go about your business to the park. Make "where are we going next" the adventure for your new baby. Remember - never leave your baby unattended in the car- even for a minute. On this father's day, prowl the neighbourhood with your infant and get to share the memorable moments with your family.

 Take Your Baby Out

Seeing your child play with the other kids is a turning point in every parent's life. Your child will have the best time bonding with you!

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4. Learn about Child Development

You might be a dad that knows it all about raising kids. More than likely, you will benefit when you take some of that internet-surfing time to check out the huge number of sites about parenting, fathering and raising kids. Watch videos and read articles. This way, you get to cherish and make some plans for father's day. This exercise must be completed either a day before father's day or early in the morning so that you know how to proceed with the day once your baby wakes up.

 Learn about Child Development

5. Do some physical activity together

Nothing is as pure as a child's laugh. When you take out the time to play with your little one that can be a turning point of your relationship. The way the child will burst with laughter, that will make your day.

6. Strap The Kid onto Your Body

A backpack on your back that lets your child see over your head or a front-facing baby holder gives your baby a much-needed new view on the world. Not only are you the child's personal monkey-bars, but while holding your baby, you get a more profound affection. As a busy working father, you may not get a lot of time to spare. But, carrying your baby around on father's day will allow you to feel a deeper connection.

 Strap The Kid onto Your Body

7. Sing a Song and Tell Stories With Your Baby

No one is going to judge you for being silly or not singing well. Your baby develops language skills by hearing and using language. Make up stories as you go along, you do not need a storybook. Create songs or sing the best-of-the-90's from memory. You will be building your child's future literacy success, too. And, that is the best father’s day gift you can give your child on father's day. Last but not the least,

8. Preserve Memories By Taking Pictures

Tons of digital pictures are a gift you are making to your future self. Take loads of pictures and save them. You can go through those pictures and print out some of the best. As the day goes by, you will look forward to celebrating the next father's day. After all, the first father's day has been very special!

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