Gifts that will keep the Coronavirus at bay from your brother

A year ago, our lives changed. Everything was shut with a bat of an eyelid, and in no time, we were battling against a deadly disease-- CoronaVirus or the COVID19. In a year, we humans have faced a lot. It would not be wrong to say; it has become the worst nightmare of all. If there's a wish that we all unanimously want to be fulfilled is a world and life free from CoronaVirus.

Gifts that will keep the Coronavirus at bay from your brother

However, we all have learnt to put up a brave fight. Of all those who have survived the Coronavirus are the true warriors. Warriors that know how to win and only win. Social distancing and sanitization are our shields to win the battle that is still ongoing,

To help our superheroes--brothers win the battle and come out alive and strong, you need to extend the support, guidance, and knowledge. Give them these gifts that will encourage them to take the necessary steps that will pave the way for their victorious win.

UV Phone Sanitizer

An electronic UV phone sanitizer to keep the phone bacteria, virus, and germs free. Your brother can sanitize other electronic devices in the UV phone sanitizer. The phone is a part of everyday life; keeping it clean is taking one step closer to health and longevity. UV phone sanitizer is a portable device, and your brother can carry it along wherever he goes.

UV Phone Sanitizer

Customized Face Mask

Face Mask has become an accessory more than a means to protect oneself from the virus. People are seen wearing matching face masks or designer masks to elevate the overall appearance. You can gift your brother a customized face mask. Get his initials embroidered over it. A pack of face masks in assorted colours, all that matches with his clothes, will make him look stylish in public. Moreover, face masks guarantee protection from Coronavirus.

Customized Face Mask

Portable Sanitizer Bottles

Hygiene is very important if we want to win over the CoronaVirus. Your brother places importance on cleanliness and hygiene, and therefore, you should gift him portable sanitizer bottles. These are mini sanitizer bottles in funky shapes with a keychain. Your brother can clip the bottle into his bag and keep it with him always. It would make for a cute keychain. The vibrant colours of the bottle will make his black-brown bag a bit interesting.

Portable Sanitizer Bottles

Potted Plant

Air-purifying plant keeps the air clean from toxins and hazardous chemicals. Breathing fresh air is the need of the hour and the natural way to stay healthy. Give your brother potted indoor air-purifying plants for his home and office. When he breathes fresh, he lives longer!

Potted Plant

Immunity-Boosting Food

Strong immunity will make you win against CoronaVirus. Give your brother a basket full of immunity-boosting foods like citrus fruits, almonds, detoxifying juices, coconut water, Kadha packets, healthy snacks. Include a variety of food items to fortify your brother's immune system.

Immunity-Boosting Food

If you are looking for the right occasion to extend any one or all of these gifts to your brother, then you can make these rakhi gifts for brother and give them to him on Raksha Bandhan. On this festive occasion, take a promise to save him and pray for his health and well-being.

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