How Flowers Help Deal with Depression & Anxiety

Life seems to be like a roller coaster in which one experiences the highs and at the same time experiences the lows. While the highs make us happy about what we have accomplished in our personal or professional lives, the lows seem to pull us all down. It hits us at a magnitude which sometimes makes us forget all the highs we have experienced in our lives. And with the rising number of people getting prone to depression, anxiety, and other such mental ailments, it’s high time we must take this issue seriously.

Flowers & Mental Health

Talking about its remedies, beautiful flowers come into the picture. Yes, you heard us! Flowers are not just known for their beauty or sweet-smelling scent but also for being excellent flower remedies for depression. Researchers have proved in their many theories flowers and mental health go hand in hand while pulling a person out of any kind of mental ailment. Many flower remedies for anxiety, depression are suggested under this noble flower therapy. It has the ability to make a person feel loved or belonging to someone. It supports the deceased person to cope better and leaves an everlasting message of hope, sunshine and happiness. Here are a few ways in which beautiful flowers like roses, carnations, white lilies, etc. helps to say bye-bye to depression, anxiety and other such mental monsters.

1. Flowers to Battle Unhappiness and Loneliness

The sight of these flowers for anxiety or flowers for depression seems to help us forget all kinds of blues and help us forget the miseries of our lives. It helps one to cope better in a difficult situation. Even if one doesn’t have a lover, he/she love it when someone who cares about him/her sends. It is like the rainbow when one is facing their cloudest of the days.

Flowers to Battle Unhappiness

2. Flowers Soothes Our Soul

There’s no denying the fact that just with the sight of beautiful flowers we feel rejuvenated. In many spa and salon chains, use of flowers has been quite evidently spotted. The rose water is used to refresh the mind and soothe the body. The massage after a hectic day at work or to pull out the weeklong work stress and anxiety from your body.

Flowers Soothes Our Soul

3. Flowers Attract The Right Energy

Most of the mental ailment specialists have claimed that if the right energy is drawn toward the mind, body and soul then half of the problem is solved. Hence the essence of sunflowers is said to be very effective to balance out the third chakra or the center of the body which is located around the navel and up near the breastbone. It deals with ego, restores self-esteem and lets the body heal itself mentally.

Flowers Attract The Right Energy

4. Flowers Help to Beat Workplace Tension

Did something go wrong at work today and it has been bothering you since then? 70% of the researchers claim that people tend to develop these mental ailments due to developing stress from work. In order to deal with such work pressure, a lavender plant is quite strongly recommended. You can add a few drops of lavender oil in your warm bath water or can light up some scented lavender candles to help you cleans all that stress away and start fresh the other day onwards.

Flowers Help to Beat Workplace Tension

5. Flowers Makes One Happy

Whether you are gifting a bouquet full of flowers to someone or receiving one, flowers somehow makes us feel happy. Think of a situation wherein, the other person is not expecting flowers at midnight on their birthday but you happen to pass it to them. Would they be happy yet surprised? We bet, they would and that’s how flowers make one happy, just like that. Also, that is why when visiting our dear ones at a hospital, we are advised to carry a bouquet of flowers out of courtesy. You would be amazed to even know that flowers when gifted to someone deceased it catalyses their process of recovery.

Flowers Makes One Happy

So, these were many ways in which flowers help to deal with depression and anxiety.

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