How to Grow Hanging Tomatoes Upside Down

Today we will learn how to build our very own upside down tomato planter. It's a great way to save space if you live on a patio or if you have a balcony and don't have a lot of room to put a big pot for tomatoes. You can buy one of these upside-down tomato planters, but for less than a couple of dollars, you can make your planter and yes it is that easy to build one.

Way to Grow Hanging Tomatoes Upside Down

Here’s the stuff you need to grow hanging tomato plants:

1. Bucket with a Lid

You can take an empty paint bucket if you have got it at your home or you can also buy it from any hardware store easily. But the important thing to keep in mind is that it should have a tight-fitting lid.

2. Window Screen

The size of the window screen depends on the hole you cut in the bucket for your tomato plant.

3. Tape

You would need a waterproof tape. You can also take an electrical tape roll.

4. Potting Soil

There are many types of soil which you can use for your upside down hanging tomato plants. The best one is an organic potting mix; this soil is enriched with all the natural ingredients. Then comes the other type which is compressed Organic Potting Soil. This compressed soil expands to seven times its size when mixed with water and contains 100% natural ingredients. Another is Super Soil Organic Concentrate, which is a little different. It’s a catalyst for a living soil technique that was pioneered over a decade ago. The idea is you mix this concentrate with any organic soil, and your tomatoes will grow faster and stronger. And there are many more like these.

5. Utility Knife

You will need a utility knife to cut down the holes in the bucket.

6. Tomato Seedling

The essential part is the tomato seedling. As far as the type of tomato seedlings are considered, there are two types: determining, which means that they grow to a certain height, they have a certain number of tomatoes, and then they stop growing. These usually stay a little bit smaller, so they are known as patio tomatoes as well. These are the best tomatoes to grow upside down.

The other type is called undermining, which means they will keep growing, and keep sprouting tomatoes. You will get a lot more fruit on it, but it will also be a lot bigger. So you may face the problem of it continuing to grow and be too big for your space.

Required Things to Grow Hanging Tomatoes

How To Grow Tomatoes Upside Down?

Now we know all the requirements, so let's begin with the building of our upside-down planter.

1- Cut a hole in the bottom of the bucket with the use of your utility knife. And do the same with the lid.

Step 1- Grow Hanging Tomatoes Upside Down

2- Now take your window screen and make a cut in the center. Now tape down the screen on the hole you made in the bottom of the bucket.

Step 2- Grow Hanging Tomatoes Upside Down

3- Next step is to put the soil in the bucket, so fill it properly and then close the lid lightly.

Step 3- Grow Hanging Tomatoes Upside Down

4- Now the most important part comes, i.e. to place the plant inside the bucket. So tilt the bucket a little and shove the plant in from the bottom hole. And after it is appropriately placed, hold the bucket upside down to check whether the plant is hanging straight.

Step 4- Grow Hanging Tomatoes Upside Down

5- Now hang the planter with the chain or hukes and water it from the lid hole. You can add some manure as well every 2 to 3 weeks.

Step 5- Grow Hanging Tomatoes Upside Down

That's all you need to do; your upside down tomatoes are ready to grow. Your creative indoor plants are eager to notch up your home garden.

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