Ten Medicinal Uses of Ajwain Leaf that Makes it the Best Indian Herb

Ajwain- one of the important Indian herbs, that uplifts the taste of any Indian dish has to be this. Used in various forms and ways, Ajwain is one of the useful herbs. Every part of ajwain plant is used to make varied medicines and syrups. Having a very strong smell, Ajwain is called Ugargandha in Sanskrit, which means strongly scented. Use of Ajwain leaves are varied and is known to be the instant reliever of a stomach ache. And because of this reason, many menstruating women have Ajwain raw or added in their meals, in India.

Medicinal Uses of Ajwain Leaf

To help you know this herb more, below we have shared a few medicinal uses and benefits of Ajwain leaves. So, keep reading to know the ajwain plant benefits and use of ajwain leaves.

1. Ajwain cures Stomachache

As told just above, Ajwain gives instant relief to stomach aches. Ajwain is known to have a very mild alcohol quantity, and therefore when taken with a pinch of salt and some lukewarm water, it works magic. For those with problems like indigestion or anorexia, a spoonful of ajwain seeds along with their food works wonder.

Ajwain cures Stomachache

2. Ajwain cures Asthma

For all those who have asthma, Ajwain can act as a boon. Inhaling the smoke of Ajwain acts as a bronchodilator and brings ease to the breathing patterns. If the smoke cure seems a little scary to you, then make a paste of Ajwain and jaggery, and have it twice a day, this will help you in asthma treatment.

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3. Ajwain cures a Cold

For those who have a chronic or recurring cold, it is advised to have fried seeds of Ajwain in the dose of two grams, for about fifteen to twenty days. Also, apart from using ajwain leaf for cough, inhaling these seeds may bring relief from headaches, migraine, and even cough.

4. Ajwain cures Diabetes

Recommended by the experts and doctors, the intake of one tablespoon of Ajwain along with four tablespoons of Bael leaves juice can be beneficial. Have this juice twice or thrice a day that will affect polyuria funds in Diabetics.

5. Ajwain cures Cholera

Apart from the above health benefits of ajwain leaves, it also helps in curing cholera. Ajwain seeds can minimize the impact of intestinal bacteria infection and threadworms. Hence its consumption for cholera patients is beneficial

Ajwain cures Cholera

6. Ajwain Helps in Weight Loss

Ajwain is a great appetizer and helps in fastening the bowel moment of laxative components. This helps in weight loss; in fact, regular intake of Ajwain can help you in maintaining obesity as well.

7. Ajwain cures Kidney Stones

It is recommended to the people with kidney stones to have ajwain seeds, honey, and vinegar for ten days. This will help the stones meltdown and will help the person to get relieved with their kidney stones.

8. Ajwain helps in Getting Rid of Alcohol

If you or any of your pals want to get rid of alcohol badly, then this miraculous herb has the solution. Make a decoction using ajwain seeds, and have it in the dose of thirty milli-litre for fifty days, without a break. And, while not touching alcohol for this long, an alcoholic may go through severe stomach aches, treat that too with a spoonful of ajwain seeds and some lukewarm water, twice a day.

9. Ajwain cures Flatulence and Gas

Among various ajwain plant uses, one is that it is the best drug to get flatulence, gas, and indigestion. Drink distilled water made using ajwain seeds and all the three mentioned issues will be cured. Ajwain also helps you in increasing your appetite, which naturally results in a decrease in gas issues.

10. Ajwain cures Acidity

Ajwain seeds are also known to have anti hyperacidity properties. So, someone who is having acidity issues should intake a spoonful of Ajwain with lukewarm water, either after every meal or in the morning. This will help the person in getting rid of their acidity issues.

Ajwain cures Acidity

All these and many more such Ajwain leaves benefits have made it more sort of medicinal plants among a lot of others. Using Ajwain in your soups, vegetable curries, lentils, will not only change the taste to another level but will also help you in good digestion.

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