She’s worth a Million Dollars, Literally!

Imagine a 24 hour job, without pay and not even a single day off. Sounds Impossible and Cruel, Right?
But there’s one person who’s actually doing it. In fact, happily doing it! You know who?
 Calculate your Mom's Salary

Right from our diapers as a baby, to our degree papers being neatly placed, each and everything is taken care by our mom. And there is so much in between, which they keep doing throughout the day, which is immeasurable. Their tasks seem endless. Most often, it is unacknowledged and unappreciated, but yet resignation is impossible.

Although, the term ‘mother’ is priceless and there is so much that we owe to her, but did you ever imagine, if all her efforts were quantified, how much would they worth? I mean, being extra ordinarily talented with the ability of working as a cook, cleaner, caretaker, laundry person, tutor, driver, doctor and nurse, psychologist, advisor, counsellor, private detective, Manager- Finance, etc. what exactly would have been her salary. We attempted and here are the results!

Mom's salary calculation on per annum basis by Floweraura

Now imagine, your mom resigning from the job and you dealing with the professionals instead!

All the helpers cannot, even together, make your life as easy and pleasant as your mom makes with her invisible magic wand. Mom is your support, your confidence, and a friend in need when you need a strong shoulder to rely upon in difficult times.

Doesn’t she deserve appreciation? Look out for perfect Mother’s Day Gifts.

So basically, your life would be totally upside down, and still you will end up paying millions of rupees to the professionals you hire! It is difficult to carry a single day without mom because the die-hard dedication and love that mom puts in every task, these hardcore and robotic professionals will be far from that! Because Mothers are Special. Even though they are selfless creatures who work for love of the family, this mother's day, let us make them feel special by bringing some extraordinary gestures in place.

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