Top Signs To Know Your Long-Distance Friendship is Doomed

Relationships bloom when they are nurtured; friendship is no different. Friendship is one of the most beautiful relationships of all. Friends are someone with whom you can be who you are without judgement. They are your partner-in-crime, your first go-to person, and extended family who make every day a happy day for you. However, not all friendships blossom into great friendships. Some hit the rock bottom, and some have to survive the test of time. Long-distance friendships are hard to sustain because of the distance. The different time zones and physical barriers act as hindrances to the camaraderie shared between friends. The inability to communicate and meet frequently slowly buries the friendship under the rock. But how do you know whether the friendship is doomed? There are certain red flags to look for in a long-distance friendship that indicate that friendship is slowly nearing its end.

Top Signs To Know Your Long-Distance Friendship is Doomed

Here are the signs to know your long-distance friendship is doomed

1. Most people ask do long-distance friendships work? Well, with efforts they do. Constant communication is the key to maintaining long-distance friendship. With the evolution of social media, keeping in touch is easier than said. But, if daily calls or text messages have become a thing of past and now sending a “Hi” makes you pause for a second or undo your action. It means the friendship has been doomed.

2.Meeting up with friends is a great way to refresh and rejuvenate the bond you share with them. If your long-distance friend do not wish to meet up with you or even you do not priortize meeting your friend when they come to your city. The bond you share is no longer the same.

3.Friends don’t judge each other, rather they judge the people together. If judgements have become a part of your friendship, in the long-run, it will make your friendship ugly. Judgements ruin the carefree vibe that friends share. Before you or your friend start judging each other, back off.

4. Sometimes, it’s not you but your friend who may want to lose touch with you. Your long-distance friend may stop calling/texting you. Even if you don’t want, your long-distance friend may no longer be the friend you had.

5.Communication gap between you and your friend may be an indication that the friendship is nearing its end. Some of the signs to look for are: lack of mutual understanding, difference of opinion may result into an argument or there may be a constant excuse to cancel a meet up plan.

6.You no longer feel the same for your friend for various reasons. You don’t feel excited to talk to them or know about your friend’s whereabouts. You don’t seem to appreciate them or are concerned about their well-being. The same feeling you experience when you move on from a relationship.

7.Friends ghost you as well. Your friend leaves you waiting when you call or text. Lies to you are busy and post hangout stories with other friends. Upon being confronted, your friend comes up with silly excuses.

8.When your friend(s) is always the last to check up on how you are doing, you are always concerned about him/her and the least—no efforts from their side to stay in touch. You are the only one striving hard for the friendship to work.

9.When you or your friend is actively looking for ways and excuses to end the friendship.

10. There was a time you were excited about birthdays and special occasions. You used to send gifts for friendship day without fail. Now, you hardly remember. It’s mostly the Facebook notifications, and it no longer bothers you that you forgot.

11.Feeling of loneliness when being around your friend.

12.If you feel your friend prefers or likes being around other pals of him/hers rather than you. You are just a formality.

13.In a long-distance friendship, it is understood that you and your friend may make different sets of friends after a period of time. Your interests and notion of friendship may change, and you are friends for just namesake or rather have turned acquaintances.

Long-distance friendships may be hard to sustain like long-distance relationships. If you notice any of the above signs, it’s better to leave toxic friendships than to endure them.

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