What is The Best Wedding Anniversary Gift for Friends

Wedding Anniversaries are those beautiful occasions where we celebrate the love of the couple that is blooming with each passing day. And when this occasion surrounds around your friend, then you can’t miss even a single opportunity to make them feel they were made for each other. Probably, because missing such an occasion would result in you getting murdered in the hands of your friends itself! So, to avoid any such unfortunate event, make sure you congratulate the happy couple on time along with some anniversary gift. Now, the dilemma is - what anniversary gift for friends would actually be of an ideal type? If you are wondering the same, then here is a list of friend anniversary ideas that are sure to cheer up the lovely couple.

wedding celebrations with friends

1. Ceramic Showpieces/ Wall Hangings

If your friend has got an amazing artistic sense, then he/she would love to be treated with some showpieces or wall hangings. As this day marks not just the bond of your friend but the love of his/her life, make sure to gift some aww-dorable, couple-oriented ceramic showpieces or wall-hangings. Be it, as one of the great 25th-anniversary gift ideas for friends or 50th wedding anniversary gift ideas for friends, ceramic showpieces or wall hangings are a perfectly versatile gifting option.

adorable anniversary showpieces

2. Customised Mugs

This cute gifting option is ideal for your friend and his/her partner. Look for a heart-shaped or some couple mugs which can also implicitly convey the beautiful bond shared by the power couple. Help them grow stronger as a friend by making them drink a cup of coffee every day together on these beautiful mugs.

set of mugs

3. Photo Frame

If you have known the couple for long now, you might have shared some time bonding with them over food and laughs. And if you have done that then you probably must have clicked some pictures with you and of them. Now, it’s time, make use of those golden memories to gift them as an anniversary gift. You can use their marriage, bachelorette or some party pictures (which features you as well) to make this gift makes them feel all nostalgic.

picture frames

4. Indoor Plant

One of the freshest friend anniversary ideas has to include gifting a blissful household plant which can include either a lucky bamboo or money plant or indoor plant of any other kind. As per Feng shui, some household plants tend to bring good luck while some others tend to attract positivity. While some tend to purify the air we breathe, others tend to bless the inhabitants with a peaceful, wealthy and prosperous life. So, gifting an indoor plant always tend to please all sorts of couples, be it the newlyweds or a couple who has successfully crossed milestones together, staying madly and deeply in love.

household plant gifts

5. Personalised Couple Gifts

Personalisation is trending, these days! So, gifting it to the lovely couple would not just make them happy, rather some of these gifts have a utilitarian approach attached to it, which makes it perfect to be used. You can either choose to gift them a couple tee or personalised couple mug or can even get some duo jewellery piece designed for them. Also, gifting a customised couple pillow always seem to do the work, as they lean on it while going through the wedding album, all over again.

customised couple pillow

The list goes on and one and on...depending on the likeliness and the creativity of the sender. These were the top ideas we found that one usually looks for while picking up the best wedding anniversary gift for friends. So, whether to store it as a keepsake or be it some useful items, these anniversary gift ideas for friends express your love for them in a great way.

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