Are Men Fasting This Karwa Chauth?

FOOD! The only word that makes sense in this whole wide world and when you have to let go of it for someone, that one person must be extra Special. Yes, we’re talking about going hungry with your wife to give her company this Karwa Chauth. So what are your plans this time? Are you going to #fastforher ?

Hungry panda steering food showing true image of a hungry man

When we conducted a survey by personally interviewing men in various market places of Delhi NCR, we found out a major chunk of men said YES to saying good bye to Food and even Water for their wives! Well, that meant staring at the empty dishes at work while watching your co-workers eat away to glory.

Hungry condition of a husband while doing fast of karwa Chauth

What your beautiful halves might not know is this. Outside, you might appear to be calm and composed, but on the inside, all you are thinking is this!

Man after completing fast of karwa chauth - Eating food

So, what can be the reason for a huge proportion of Men doing such a beautiful gesture for their wives? What we concluded from the interviews was that the entire meaning of ‘Marriage’ has evolved along with the modern times. So, not only does a couple share their lives together, they also share everything else that comes along. And mind it, that adds to the love between the partners.

Daily movements of husband & Wife in Kitchen - Enjoing food and drinks

Hence, dear Brave Husbands. You have no idea how much your wife is gonna appreciate this grand gesture of yours and she’ll fall in love with you all over again. To make this day extra special for her, shower her with wonderful Karwa Chauth Gifts If you’re still confused as t what she’d like, give us a call and we’d be uber happy to help you.

Happy Karwa Chauth everyone!

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