Things You Should Know About Corporate Gift Giving

Receiving a gift is a wonderful experience; It creates a sense of connection to the giver and can lead to positive engagement with a person or brand. Companies and marketers rely on the power of gifting to show appreciation for their business over the long term, securing better relationships with potential and existing customers. While there may be some head-scratching to come up with good corporate gift ideas, you should also know some etiquette and ethics. Without knowing the basics of corporate gifts, your corporate gift items may act the opposite and cause resentment. Here are things you should know about corporate gifting.

Corporate Gifts Ideas

It’s About the Receiver, not the Giver

The gift should reflect the receiver's interest and not the givers. Make sure your decision does not outweigh the receiver you prefer. For instance, if you are sending women’s day gifts then you must keep in mind the likes and dislikes of women you are sending the gift.

One size does not Fit All

Depending on your sector, your customers, and gifts, it may be perfectly appropriate to give the same gifts to all of your customers. But instead of automatically taking that approach, consider an alternative approach that focuses on your long-term and high-calibre clients.


Stay within your budget. Avoid excessive gifting. Excessive gifts can sometimes be considered to be bribes, so be sure to tread that line very carefully.

Personalize the Gift

If you are giving a gift to a large number of people, engrave your company name which is not very prominent yet reminds the receiver about your company in a subtle manner. However, if you are giving it to a small number of people, there is nothing like inscribing the receiver's name on every product.

Give Gifts All Year Round

To truly show one's appreciation, avoid giving gifts only on special occasions. While it may be good to mark a holiday or someone's birthday with a gift, this type of corporate gift is predictable. Therefore, give corporate gifts throughout the year, not just for special days. Random and unexpected gifts can help strengthen business relationships, as they will show that the recipient is at the forefront of your mind, not just during the time when the gift is expected to be given.

Be Responsible, do not Violate Any Law

Before giving your gifts, it is better to check your customers 'companies' gifting policy just to make sure you are not stepping on any toes. Find out about the legal constraints on corporate gifting in your industry or your client's industry. It is the policy of many governments and major corporations to avoid unethical behaviour when gifts are exchanged. Today, it is important that businesses have corporate-gifting policies that address both giving and receiving.

With so many occasions coming up send corporate gifts online to your business clients and help your business grow. Happy gifting!

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