• An Artistic Collaboration Of Pride With Aravani Art Project

    An Artistic Collaboration Of Pride With Aravani Art Project

    May 19 2023

    Mother Nature doesn’t discriminate. She nurtures all without any bias or discrimination. All the plants in nature are unique and bloom individually at their own pace. It is the diversity in which Mother Nature finds her beauty and strength. FlowerAura as a brand finds infinite inspiration in the bountiful embrace of Mother Nature. Just like her, we believe in a world free from biases and discrimination, where every individual is nurtured and allowed to bloom at their own pace, to...

  • Building a Sustainable Future: Our Promise to the Planet

    Building a Sustainable Future: Our Promise to the Planet

    April 20 2023

    CEO's Message on Earth Day -Shrey Sehgal Dear FlowerAura Family, Earth Day 2023: A day to reflect on the life we live and the planet we call home. This day reminds us that we all have a responsibility to take care of the planet in a sustainable way. It is a great pride and excitement to share our company’s journey from entrepreneur to ecopreneur. I believe when a company combines compassion and sustainability. It helps bring everyone together and work towards the same goal....

  • Sustainable Practices That We Should Inculcate For A Greener Tomorrow

    Sustainable Practices That We Should Inculcate For A Greener Tomorrow

    April 17 2023

    The wildlife we admire and the air we breathe, the lush greenery of forests, and the blue sky that gives us glee- will tomorrow be the same for the generations to come, or is it only the impending doom we all see? As we approach International Earth Day 2023, we stand at a point where we can no longer keep our eyes shut to the warning signs from the environment. It is high time we reflect on the state of Mother Earth, as no matter how miraculous or resilient our planet is, it is...

  • Biggest Teddy Bear in the World Guinness

    Biggest Teddy Bear in the World Guinness

    February 01 2022

    The teddy bear is named after US President Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt. In 1902, President Roosevelt took part in a bear-hunting trip to Mississippi. While hunting, Roosevelt declared the behaviour of other hunters "non-playing" after refusing to kill a bear. Teddy Bear Day is celebrated every year on 9th September, it is set aside for everyone to bring out all their teddy bears so that they can thank their partner, for the wonderful moments we spent with them. Do you know how big the...

  • World Food and Safety Day - June 7

    World Food and Safety Day - June 7

    May 28 2020

    ‘If it is not safe, it is not food.’ On June 7th, 2019, Food Safety And Standard Authority Of India commemorated first-ever World Food Safety Day at FSSAI headquarters, New Delhi. This day was kicked off to recognize the remarkable efforts of States, various food businesses and individuals in promoting food safety. To create a much-needed awareness on how everyone needs to consume food which has to be safe as every year, approximately 600 million cases of foodborne diseases occur - food...

  • Will the Lockdown in India Be Lifted After 21 Days

    Will the Lockdown in India Be Lifted After 21 Days

    April 09 2020

    Well, we all quite know what is happening in the world, right now. The NOBLE Coronavirus seems not to be noble at all and is spreading its rage amongst the entire humankind, now and then. As a result of which some people are infected, while some are losing their lives to this virus. While some others are trying to stay safe by self-isolating them. Such is the present scenario that children-elders, big-small, poor-middle class- upper class, everyone is facing. They have come together as one to...

  • Recreating Love During 21 Days Lockdown

    Recreating Love During 21 Days Lockdown

    April 07 2020

    “Love is a commitment to protecting another person’s heart with the same passion you use to guard your own!” COVID-19 is spreading rapidly and the whole country is under lockdown. There is surely a breeze of tension and stress all around. But that doesn't mean, you should also stay the same way. We hope that everyone is taking the measures suggested by the government, WHO and doctors. The period of 21 days lockdown is likely to be extended due to the increment in the COVID-19 cases....

  • World Health Day 2020 - Support Nurses and Midwives

    World Health Day 2020 - Support Nurses and Midwives

    April 07 2020

    ‘Health for All’ Today on #WorldHealthDay, let us not only pray for each other’s good health and well-being but also reaffirm our gratitude towards all those doctors, nurses, medical staff and healthcare workers who are bravely leading the battle against the COVID-19 menace- Narendra Modi World Health Day is celebrated every year on April 7, to spread awareness about maintaining good health and a balanced lifestyle. The year 2020 has bought a lot! The panic of the COVID-19 pandemic...

  • Enjoy Quarantine With Your Favorite Celebs

    Enjoy Quarantine With Your Favorite Celebs

    April 06 2020

    Looking at the present scenario, they might not be working on some new project. But, they are certainly working on themselves, for themselves. But they are still doing their bit to keep us all encouraged and entertained amidst this unfortunate global pandemic situation. Abiding by the policy of self-isolation, our favourite bunch of celebs are staying indoors and optimistic about the fact that - “this shall too pass”! Quite just like us, they have even figured some way out to stay out of...

  • Latest Update: Limited Delivery

    Latest Update: Limited Delivery

    April 05 2020

    Hey There! Hope you all are doing your bit by staying at home! As you know, the world is fighting against COVID-19 and thus, we have also committed ourselves to guidelines recommended by Official Authorities. For the betterment of everyone, we had paused our services for some time and followed social distancing strictly. But now, we are back on track as we have resumed our services in selected areas of Bangalore, Delhi, Faridabad, Gurgaon, Hyderabad, Jalandhar, Karnal, Kolkata, Manesar...

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