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Haworthia Plant With Red Buddha Showpiece

Product Contains
  • Plant Name: Howarthia Plant
  • Plant & Vase Height: 7-8 Inches Approx.
  • Plant Type: Succulents
  • Vase Name: Pink Raw Inside Pot
  • Vase Material: Terracotta
  • Red Buddha Spiritual
Discover serenity and grace with this Howarthia plant and red Buddha figurine combo. Nestled in a charming pink terracotta pot, the Howarthia symbolises resilience and tranquillity, making it an ideal gift for various occasions. Accompanying this is a red Buddha, signifying spiritualism and inner peace. This combo is not just a gift, but a gesture of well-being, perfect for those seeking a touch of nature and spirituality in their lives.
Caring Tips
    Haworthia Plants
  • Are native to Southern Africa, where they thrive in arid conditions and sandy soils.
  • Light: Place your Haworthia in bright, indirect sunlight, as they prefer moderate light conditions.
  • Watering: Allow the soil to dry out between waterings to prevent overwatering, as Haworthias are prone to root rot.
  • Soil: Use well-draining soil to mimic their natural habitat and prevent waterlogging.

SKU Number


Key Points

  • IndoorAvoid Direct Sunlight
  • Height3-4 Inches approx
  • WateringTwo to three times a week
  • Scientific NameCactaceae

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